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Month: July 2021

Quote of the Day

The universe listens. We are intertwined within it and therefore connected and tethered to it. It works by design to guide us, support us. But it only responds to positivity because that is what it recognizes. It doesn’t know what to do with negativity. It was created to help move us forward, not backwoods. It returns positivity when we put it in the world. But with negative energy, it senses only emptiness and therefore has nothing to return.

C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

Finding our way seems to imply we may be lost. When, in fact, it usually means just finding other ways. If we are not seeking new paths then we truly will become lost. We are always on some path but new ones exist because they are meant to take us to new understandings. Seeking anything is not an indication we are off course but proof we are enlightened enough to know that it often takes many paths to find the destination we belong.

C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

You are a miraculous creature. Despite your faults, failures and shortcomings and because of your gifts, talents and accomplishments, you have evoked emotions in others, impacted the planet, altered the world and resided in the thoughts of others. So the next time, negative thoughts of self worth overtake you, remember that the miracle you need to overcome arrived the day your existence was conceived.

C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

In a world where everything is for sale, be the one who offers freely. When everyone else is taking, be the one who is giving. Be what everyone else is not. Do what no one else wants to do. Stand alone when others follow. In doing so, all eyes will be upon you and you will be the one who sees amid a crowd of the blind. You will become the light which restores the sight of those who have never experienced life with a vision all their own.

C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

Faith is not about taking the right road every time but about believing its destination will lead to fulfillment, regardless of how long we must travel it or our doubts that it may not have been the best road in the beginning.

C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

Free will is our choice to live with a closed fist or a free hand. Holding onto negativity is like clutching stones. They have no value other than to hurl them at others. They become heavy over time and leave no space to carry anything else. But when we let them go, we then have the option to pick up anything we desire including the hand of those for which we once held rocks.

C.L. Harmon

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