The Ten Most Important Lessons To Learn In Life

C.L. Harmon

  1. Worry is trading gold for stones. It’s giving away peace for something that has no value.
  2. To love and hate begin as choices, but eventually become lifestyles.
  3. Though others’ choices may impact your existence, you alone determine the quality of your life.
  4. Owning today’s mistakes keeps you from borrowing trouble tomorrow.
  5. Faith in humanity from God is a gift. Faith in God from humanity is an investment.
  6. Forgiveness is the master key that unlocks every door.
  7. All truths live forever and never stop seeking exposure.
  8. Failure exists nowhere else except in the minds and hearts of those who give up.
  9. Purpose is real. It was assigned to you at creation and will always find you.
  10. Peace is only found in salvation and salvation is only found in Jesus