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We can build an empire on lies. We can protect it with corruption, promote it with deception, and camouflage it in positivity. It may thrive…
Kindness costs less than what you have in your pocket, even when you’re penniless. Compassion takes only as much time as it takes to provide…
If your peace can be influenced by someone else’s irritations, anger or frustration, then it is not peace you desire, but appeasement by those who…
Before stepping out on what may be shaky ground, pray the stability to which you are moving toward is known solid ground. It’s much easier…
There are lines within the psyche that are never meant to be crossed. They are entrances without exits. One side consists of conscience and clarity…
I used to think the world had color and we were allowed to see it. Now I know the world is colored by how we…
Integrity will not chase you, it will only lead you. If you choose not to follow, it will remain behind. That which is moral and…
You are not enough. You never will be. You will never figure it all out, understand all there is and be who everyone needs. You…
People don’t choose the hard way because there are other options. They choose it because it is the only option. Life does not always give…
You can view the world through the smallest of perspectives if you choose. You can ignore or include whatever you wish. The level of ignorance…
Sometimes there’s a desire to do it our own way, forge a new path even though other paths already exist. At the time, it seems…
The devil’s ignorance is such that, despite his intentions, he has become a teacher to humanity. His every action is a lesson in what harms…
You can be positive or negative in any situation. The thing to acknowledge is that the situation doesn’t care. It has no power to control…
Everything you truly desire is on the other side of struggle. Everything you need to overcome adversity is on this side of strength. Everything else…
We tend to measure life in hours and years. This implies an urgency to accomplish and succeed before it runs out. How different a course…
Anger is one of those tools that has very few purposes. Much like an axe, it can be used in so many destructive ways that…
Nothing we earn, achieve, or acquire will remember us after we pass. All of it will fade away or become the property of another. The…
Life is uncertain it seems; a wilderness full of risks to be traversed. But risks are steppingstones leading to fate once we start taking them.…
Sometimes you’re going to lose the rhythm. Sometimes the notes are not going to make any sense and it’s going to sound more like noise…
Close your eyes and remember a time when you didn’t feel fear. Think about the freedom you felt in that moment without the grip of…
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