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Quote of the Day

When you build from the ashes, you are building on sacred ground, ground that has held structures and witnessed them razed. It is hallowed for its loss and yet praised for its purpose. But it cares not for what was there, but only that you choose to build on it again. Whatever your loss, remember that beneath the ashes of old is the foundation for everything new you wish to build.

~C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

Of all the evil by man that has been brought upon this earth, None of it has taken deep root and all of it has withered on the vine. And though evil still remains as there is always a new breed, the original good in the beginning consisting of hope, kindness, compassion and love has endured, defeated and outlasted every evil man has devised.
~C.L. Harmon

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C.L. Harmon

The world is changing. Many Americans do not realize how far the world has changed since they were born. They do not know because they either have not experienced a world different than the one which exists today. Or they have been sold rhetoric which claims there is an easier way to live and achieve their desires. Because of these, the United States of America is at war with itself. There is division unlike anything since the Civil War. There is hatred and violence on a large scale among citizens that is unprecedented in this country’s history. And there is an unwillingness to understand, compromise with and forgive those who believe differently than they do.

It is true that people have always had differences. There have always been different political views and parties, those who stand in protest of policies and those on the fringe who have propagated violence to achieve a means. We have never been a perfect people or a perfect nation. We have, however always held certain truths above everything else. And in doing so, we, and those who came before us, built what is now being destroyed.

There are many hard truths about the origin and the growth of this country. The first of these being that those who built the infrastructure of this country had a faith in God. They were not atheists or agnostics but people who made God a part of the government, the military and encouraged God to be in homes and schools. This is a fact. Whether you believe in God or not does not change the fact that those who provided your ancestors with the rights and privileges that have been passed down to you were God-fearing people. In other words, your right to disagree and vocalize publicly your lack of faith, was given to you by those who believed God wanted you to have that right.

Another truth was and still should be, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat”. As harsh as that may sound, there is a fundamental reasoning behind this concept. It’s called fairness. Everyone should pull their own weight. Even God expected His only son Jesus to work. He made a living as a carpenter before beginning his ministry. God could have provided him with everything he needed and wanted but didn’t. That should say it all. And yet many in this country feel that it is okay for others to work and for them to use someone else’s money to provide for them. That is not fairness, that is laziness.

And still another truth is, “Get tough or die.” Your feelings are not made of fragile threads easily destroyed. Yes, they do get hurt, but you will survive. God made you stronger than to allow you to be so easily broken. No one dies from hurt feelings. Those who built this country could not have built such a strong nation had they allowed everyone to tear them down with words and differing opinions. Get mad and then get over it. You’ll live!

And here’s a final truth for you. The ONLY reason you have any rights at all is because there are those who were and are willing to put themselves in harm’s way and even sacrifice their lives so that you can have them. Men and women have spilled more blood in the battlefields of the centuries than you can fathom so you could be free and have a voice. You owe each and every one of them a debt of gratitude and a measure of respect. You have earned no right to take a knee or refuse to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. In fact, you have earned no rights at all. The only knee you should be taking is one before God to thank him for sending those men and women to protect you and fight for you.

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Photos Wanted

Hey Friends,
Uniquelahoma is adding reader submitted photos to our magazine. As such, we need your help with photos. We are wanting to post your photos of things you find to be interesting and unique in Oklahoma. We will give you photo credit along with our gratitude! Please submit your photos to
[email protected]
Thank you!

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Quote of the Day

People will remember you not as you see yourself, but as a collection of your qualities and deeds which they found either endearing or abhorrent.

~C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

If you look at the world and see no beauty, then your heart is blind. If the world sees your heart and finds no beauty, then the world is blind to the nature of the heart.

~C.L. Harmon

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C.L. Harmon

The concept of “Divide & Conquer is attributed to Roman dictator Julius Cesar who used it to great effect during his conquest of Gaul. Simply stated, this method is used to turn one people against themselves so they cannot assemble to fend off those wishing to conquer them. Does this not seem to be the situation in America today? Are we not inundated daily with issues and lies that keep us from uniting and living as one? The only reasonable conclusion as to the division currently in this country is that someone wants to conquer a way of life so it can be changed. Adolph Hitler probably said it best about using deception to achieve division between peoples, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”.

Regardless of one’s beliefs, the division in this country cannot be denied. What else cannot be denied is that this country was set up to not be ruled and to not be conquered from within. Safeguards were intentionally placed by the Founding Fathers to ensure that the citizens would rule themselves. What has instead happened is that we have allowed ourselves to be ruled by political parties that no longer answer to the people but instead dictate the policies in which the people must live by. The only reason it matters that one is a Republican or democrat or conservative or liberal is that it matters to those who wish to rule. It matters that those seeking to conquer and rule keep the people squabbling so they do not realize they are being sold into bondage. 

We have systematically allowed our rights to be taken away because we are told we should be frightened. We have been told that less freedom equates to more security which is the opposite of what the Founding Fathers believed. The way to rule a people is to take away their rights, their ability to fight and to fight with unity. As Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. If there has ever been a time to learn from the past, that time is now.

It’s not a party you belong to that should separate you from your neighbor, but you love for freedom, justice, equality and the right to self-govern that should unite you. This nation has always been a diverse union of people with differing opinions that have been able to come together and compromise for the good of the country since its inception. The question we should be asking ourselves now, is why aren’t unity and compromise being encouraged. Seek out who benefits from this division and you will learn the identity of America’s Julius Cesar.

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Quote of the Day

Value is what we place on ideals and objects that have significance. Ironically, value is also what is lost when we place it on ideals and objects that are insignificant.

~C.L. Harmon

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C.L. Harmon

What Makes Us?

What makes us? Is it our chemical makeup, our cells and molecular processes that give us identity? What about our choices and experiences? Are we a product of them or are they our identity? Our likes and dislikes, where do they originate and are they choices or something ingrained in us that we have little or no control over? Are we a perfect design completely programmed from the factory or a self-driven result created from a blank slate to fill with failures and triumphs?

Maybe it’s as simple as we are a part of everything and all things. Perhaps we are a reasonable creation whose creation is beyond our own reasoning. We are, it seems, a mystery unto ourselves. And yet ignorant, we understand so profoundly our needs and feel so strongly our desires that it makes us question even more what we are. How can we be so absolutely sure of ourselves and utterly lost for direction in the same mind, heart and soul?

Perhaps it is because we are born lost but not without direction. There is no reward in directing one who is not lost, but praise for the one who sets us on the path to be found. We are created of everything so we can be led and counseled from everything. Nothing was left to chance that we would not have the opportunity to receive direction. It is not that some are always right and others wrong, but that each of us receive direction, according to the universe we relate to. When we understand that we are not enemies with purpose but simply travelers in search of a destination, we invite the smaller pieces of everything to become a larger piece of everything else.

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Quote of the Day

Reason brings compromise, fairness and justice. Violence is brought about because those who live by reason no longer wish to live without it.

~C.L. Harmon

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