By C.L. Harmon
Is it not reasonable to assume that each and every aspect of our lives is different and unique from another’s? Consider the incredible fact that each human being is created differently. We are created in the same way, but are never the same and never duplicated.
Although our hearts beat in the same way, pump blood in the same manner and break down over time in the same fashion, they are all different in the aspects of how we suffer loss and heartbreak. The pain we experience may differ, but how we choose to cope with it may be completely different than even our closest companions.
Our responses to experiences in life are not mathematical formulas hard wired within us. They are individual reactions of the same unique design that gives us our personalities, sense of humor and physical appearances. Just as we are not designed to look exactly like others, we too should not be expected to act or react as others do either.
There is a divine purpose as to why we are unique. That purpose is not to judge others based on what we believe an action or reaction should be, but to accept those differences which separate us and keep us from reaching the greater understanding that our Creation was designed without limits.
Johnny Nitro
Very nice CH and so true!