Mindset: Master & Slave
We are an extension of everything we do. Our actions are a reflection of who we are in that moment and who we will become for the rest of our lives. A slave to evil or a warrior of the righteous is never very far from their master.
If we represent or act for those who prey on the weak or innocent through our words and actions, then we too are guilty of harboring darkness in our hearts and adding hatred and injury into the world.
There will always be those who serve themselves first and they do so by their own accord. But their ideas of greed, destruction, and hatred only become ours by choice. By serving them, we not only lose pride and self-respect but we lose the part of ourselves that makes us invaluable, our identity.
Be an example to others!
Johnny Nitro
A great day for me to read this brother. You always seem to hit me with thoughts relevant to whats happening in my life at the time. We always have had some great connection in that way it sesms. Keep up the good word!