Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

Sometimes there is just no escape. The darkness that we are in is more valuable at the moment than what is in the light into which we wish to escape. As such, we are kept there because there is something in the current light which we are not yet equipped to accept. We are left in its clutches to acknowledge that there is a lesson in the darkness which prepares us to accept the positive awaiting us in the light. C.L. Harmon
The meaning of life is in the simple. It hides in plain site amid the confusion and chaos of existence. It’s as though it is disguised in the mundane. It is so because it is of the most value. The meaning is not kept from us, but placed among the people and activities we should seek that we tend to ignore for the excitement of what we believe has meaning. But the simple does not exist there; it is only found in that which keeps us simple. C.L. Harmon
Of all that exists in the world, faith must be the ruler to which all else is measured. No witness to human endurance could be more prominent. Nothing is created or built without a belief in it. No soul enters paradise without it. Sacrifices are not made without a cause in which to believe. And in the end when we measure the meaning of our lives, it will be the faith we held that is to be our legacy. C.L. Harmon
Follow that which calls to you, but follow it with caution. The soul listens to the Divine, the heart to what moves it and the mind towards the tangible needs we desire. And though all are important, if we follow one when the other is needed, then we have chosen to listen out of order and without the benefit of wisdom. The soul should always be the first voice as it will instruct the heart and mind as to when it should take the lead. C.L. Harmon
Do not only believe in that which is beyond reach, but reach for that which is beyond belief. The impossible exists because someone questioned if it’s possible. And possibilities are the results of those willing to reach further into the darkness and feel if there is light within it to grasp and pull back. C.L. Harmon
We are so much more than that which binds us together. The small integral parts that fit as millions of tiny perfectly locking pieces are more than a completed puzzle. They become the essence of everything ever created once they experience the first spark of creation that glues our pieces together. And it is that same tiny spark which we should never allow to become insignificant. Because once doused, what held up together is lost and we remain as only lost pieces never again to be whole. C.L. Harmon
Quote of the Day If ever you choose to be a force, become the one to be reckoned with.C.L Harmon
Climbing out of hell. It’s not a leap back to it’s entrance, but one single arduous rung at a time to its exit. Believing the way out is as easy as it was getting in is what keeps us there. The hell we create does not imprison us. Our refusal to accept the fact we must climb the rickety, tall ladder does that. C.L. Harmon
If you hold a grudge longer than you remember kindness, you are holding onto a debt which will never be paid. Kindness is a loan you make that will pay when you need it most. A grudge is foreclosure based in interest you cannot afford to pay. C.L. Harmon
Bad thing happen. They always have and they always will. The key is to see the blessings and the positive within it no matter what happens. Once you’ve done that, you have mastered the art of happiness. This has always been and always will. C.L. Harmon
Those who believe in everything are the ones who see it all when there is nothing. An idea may start in the mind but it is in the heart and hands in which it becomes a reality. Because we believe, we build. Nothing is the foundation for everything when we understand that faith in anything is the first tool in construction of all things. C.L. Harmon
Quote of the Day If the distance you are willing to travel to meet others on an emotional level matters more to them than your efforts to meet them, then their middle is somewhere you cannot travel without a cost to yourself. Tread lightly because their middle may be your end. C.L. Harmon
To what you lend credence will be returned to you. The power to change, accept, defy and create are willed into existence, not purchased or inherent. They are simply belief in action which produces a result. And those beliefs are eventually returned to us as growth, accomplishment, wisdom and at times, regret. And in the memory of others, it will always be that returned power that becomes our legacy. C.L. Harmon
Quote of the DayIf we don’t look past what we want, we may never know what we truly need. Just because something fills a void does not mean it’s what is best for us. Sometimes it’s better to say no or walk away from a small desire so we are not too blind to see the great ones up ahead.C.L. Harmon
To live with little and learn to love it greatly is to know appreciation. To sacrifice without expectation of return is to understand worth beyond ourselves. To love with conviction when it has been denied to you is to realize love has only a beginning and not an end. And to die with a grateful heart is the realization that the life you led encompassed one of appreciation, sacrifice and love. C.L. Harmon
Simple, humble, satisfied, these are words that are not just a sequence of letters in which we give a meaning. They are choices which describe a way of life, our life. They are descriptions of an identity. And this identity is what we own when we choose complication, arrogance and a lack of fulfillment. C.L. Harmon
Quote of the Day Planting that which we wish to grow is the same dirt we bury that which will decay. The ground cares not what it receives but only that it takes what it is given to fulfill a purpose. When humanity grasps that all of what it is given is purpose, we will then learn to no longer bury that which can grow and plant that which has died.C.L. Harmon
Quote of the DayPeople ask you to follow them because they fear where you will go without them. If you follow, they control you and will only take you where they wish to go. Every heart has its own path created within. If you are following someone else’s path, what could have been eventually becomes what should have been.C.L. Harmon
We remember because we are not supposed to forget. We love so we don’t become hate. We die so we understand life has a cost. We age because youth holds little wisdom. We fall to find the humility which is out of reach of the standing tall. We are, in essence, nothing with the opportunity to experience everything.  C.L. Harmon
No matter how fast you thrust yourself forward, you will not see into the future. And no matter how much you long for the past, you will never see it again. The importance has always been now. Yesterday belongs to no one any longer and tomorrow to only those fortunate enough to be a part of it. So right now is everything, everything you can possibly create from it before yesterday takes it from you and tomorrow decides if you are worthy of receiving it. C.L. Harmon 
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