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Conquerors amass lands. And yet the farmer gains more from the acre in which he eats. The wealthy amass fortunes too much to spend. And…
The force which pulls you is what keeps you on the right path. At times it will be a negative one which is life telling…
When the rich want the poor to do better, that’s hope. When the saved want salvation for all, that’s faith. When the healthy want cures…
We were given a voice because evil will grow in silence. We were given language because unity requires communication and a lack of divides us.…
Everyone is in the presence of greatness at one time or another. The key is knowing when you’re having those moments then allowing your greatness…
Pain is currency and that is how we pay our way through life. There is a price to life, a fee to experience both the…
The thing about creating a throwaway society is that you take away the importance of value as a whole. So you don’t only throw away…
At times in our lives we are tasked with following, but never are we to accept where that will lead without questioning if the destination…
Fear robs you of what is rightfully yours. And when it finishes stealing, it leaves itself as a reminder of all you lost and what…
Close your eyes and remember a time in your life when you didn’t feel fear. Think about the freedom you felt at that moment without…
If we give up part of ourselves for what is immoral or selfish we have sold our souls to become slaves to a master.  As such,…
The Five Most Important Lessons You Learn If You Live Long Enough 1 Worry is buying stones with gold; it’s giving away what is precious…
If you call me a derogatory name because of my heritage, that cost me nothing. I lose nothing because of what you say or the…
To have integrity will alienate you from those with a willingness to sacrifice their morals. But remember that a seed is covered with dirt, drowned…
What you want must be more important than what you fear. Fulfillment only comes out of risk. And yes, we often lose and suffer, but…
It’s easy to buy a lie because the truth is a much harder sell. It’s easier to make a mistake than to make amends. It’s…
Responsibility is a word, a simple word, that has a never ending meaning. It’s a combination of letters encompassing everything in life. No matter your…
The greatest adventure is seeking what we desire. No matter how small our desire, the journey to it is where we feel most alive. The…
There will be countless activities we will not see, hear and experience today. These processes will surround us and be close to us but we…
Every single day is different. The sun rises and sets the same and much of it is filled with routine. But each day has the…
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