There are those with the skill to build instruments, those with the talent to play those instruments and there are those with the creativity to write the music for both. Each of us is given a gift and they all intertwine. As such, we should never envy the ability of another. Because what they do with their gift may provide exactly what we need to utilize ours.C.L. Harmon
Beneath a headstone lies more than what was. In that resting place is wisdom, knowledge and experience that is no longer accessible. This creates two responsibilities. The first is to share what you know helps others. The other is to acknowledge that you have only a limited amount of time to utilize the help you need before it’s buried. C.L. Harmon
What you want most in life might only take one more step forward, be one single step away. Barefoot on broken glass with a broken leg would I take that step if only to know I took the chance to learn how small the distance between where I am and where I desire to be. C.L. Harmon
In this life, we tether ourselves between people who represent either Heaven or Hell. As such, both will pull at us. But it is we who choose how much of a foothold either has. And for that we must decide which is pulling to be with us and which one only cares to keep us from the other. One will keep us grounded; the other will drag us down. C.L. Harmon
I hope my youth is stored away in a bottle somewhere corked and waiting for me to release it. I hope my mistakes are sealed and locked in a distant abyss to be forgotten. I hope that all I have lost will be found along the roads I have yet to travel. And I hope that which has been broken is in the hands of the Divine. And though mine and all of our hopes at times may seem unlikely to materialize, they are still the opposite of acceptance they won’t. And for that alone is why hope exists. C.L.…
Morality is easy. It’s deceit which is complicated. There is only one truth but there are always countless lies to remember, organize and manage. And though morality demands honesty and integrity from us, it is simple in the sense that it only asks from us what is owed. Deceit, however, unravels in burdensome chaos when confronted with truth, taking everything from us and still leaving us indebted to morality and those who practice it. C.L. Harmon
Quote of the Day We see beauty in art and sunsets because they touch us emotionally where we rarely dwell. They stir something inside us that we experience all too infrequently. Each time we open up to others, we build a bridge from that hidden away area to them. And yes, some will burn that bridge, but know that having built that bridge, changes you into that same beauty which stirs something into others. ~C.L. Harmon
Quote of the Day When we understand that everything in the universe was created perfectly and that we have the power to throw it into chaos, then we truly realize just how much responsibility is entrusted to us.~C.L. Harmon
Sometimes we’re given only what we need because when we’re given all we want, we lose sight that it costs something to receive anything when it must come from nothing. C.L. Harmon
What you remove from your existence defines you as much as what you add to your life. Often what you choose is not as important as what your choice leaves behind. If we choose fear, it is courage which is left behind. If we choose hatred, then love is what we leave. If we choose tyranny, liberty remains behind. And therein lies the irony that the the positive we leave behind will be an eternal reminder defining us as the negative we chose to keep. C.L. Harmon
You are the spark for someone else’s fire. Think about what that means. Whether you are firing up, melting down or burning out, does not matter to others in need of warmth. To them, you are the flame that made every fire they ever started possible…and that means everything to them. C.L. Harmon
When you begin to see the color in the world as an accent to enhance beauty, differences in beliefs as entrances to open mindedness, and imperfection as the perfect method to create equality, then you have seen beyond human comprehension and into the Divine belief that hope can overcome ignorance.C.L. Harmon
Quote of the Day When you add a brush stroke to a painting or a word to a poem, you have changed it from what it is closer to what it will be. This is exactly what you do in life with every choice you make. Create that which others will admire and they will see beyond the individual strokes and words and view the whole of your life as art worthy of imitation.C.L. Harmon
If you want to see the world, open your eyes. If you want to visualize the world, close your eyes. If you want to change the world, look no further than inside yourself.~C.L. Harmon
When you find mystery, follow it. When you capture desire, live it. When you discover passion, chase it. When you taste the sweet, savor it. But when you find your true self, give yourself away so that others can experience all the above.~C.L. Harmon
We believe in kindness even when we don’t see it. We believe justice prevails when it doesn’t seem to be in our courts. We find hope when hopelessness is all around us. We move forward when everything seemingly knocks us backwards. We do so because there is something inside us that evil cannot touch; a strength impervious to what wishes to destroy us. And when we believe in it, it will be that strength which leads us to what saves us. C.L. Harmon
We all carry pain with us the pain. But that pain doesn’t tell us what it weighs. We decide how much of a burden we allow that pain to become. Pain is a result of a negative situation, not an addition to our core being. It is however purposeful in what it teaches us. But we choose to let it become a mindset or simply a life lesson. C.L. Harmon
We bury ourselves many times before others ultimately bury us. Sometimes we say goodbye with a sigh of relief. Other times, it feels as though we are dragged from that which we hold. And then there are times we walk away because there is nothing left for which to stay. And each time, we grieve because it is a farewell to what was. And that is what it means to live…to die and be reborn into new experiences and challenges for as long as grace provides us the opportunity. C.L. Harmon
If we expect someone else’s choices to benefit us, then we fail to understand the true nature of free will. Each of us are given the opportunity to build the life we seek. So it is not expectation we should seek, but hope that within others’ choices is also conscience, patience and humility to aid in the understanding that our free will and theirs must share the same space. C.L. Harmon
What you wrap yourself in will become the blanket which either comforts you or invites the chill. It is true we are woven together as individual threads into one fabric. But the cold will penetrate if we choose that part which is tattered and torn from the lies and deceit that are destructive to the fabric of life. Our protection rests in that which is woven so tightly that the frays can not unravel. C.L. Harmon