Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

It’s easy to buy a lie because the truth is a much harder sell. It’s easier to make a mistake than to make amends. It’s more fun to dance with the devil than kneel before the Lord. It’s safer to fall than rise and it’s acceptable to be accused but not vindicated. This is why  we live on a bedrock of weakness. Solid ground is hard and uncompromising. This is why we choose it to build lasting structures. If your world is falling apart, maybe it’s time to find a better place to stand. C.L. Harmon
Responsibility is a word, a simple word, that has a never ending meaning. It’s a combination of letters encompassing everything in life. No matter your beliefs, status or race, you are affected by responsibility, both that which you accept and that accepted by others. When we fail to own our responsibilities, we fail others in the present and ourselves in the future. In essence we become either accomplishments or excuses…and that outcome is the result of another simple word, choice. C.L. Harmon
The greatest adventure is seeking what we desire. No matter how small our desire, the journey to it is where we feel most alive. The outcome is the reward, but it is only a reflection at the end of the road. So with each step today, embrace your failures, allow your laughter to engulf you, let your tears puddle and your victories humble you. And in the end, that reflection will be the inspiration others will utilize on their adventures. C.L. Harmon
There will be countless activities we will not see, hear and experience today. These processes will surround us and be close to us but we will not acknowledge their existence. Because our pursuit of responsibility and structure is our definition of sanity, we become oblivious to the magic around us. But this beauty cares not for such pursuits of responsibility but only to exist and be recognized. So every now and then, seek out your insanity and let the small countless miracles around you become your reality. C.L. Harmon
Every single day is different. The sun rises and sets the same and much of it is filled with routine. But each day has the opportunity for a new growth that was not there the previous day. This is because we are building upon yesterday’s opportunities we chose to seize. And it’s within that opportunity which creates our new hope in tomorrow. C.L. Harmon
Seek that which will take root and it will be that root which will hold you when the winds rise up. Chasing anything which constantly moves means we are more engaged in catching than constructing. That which takes root has moved until it found the optimal conditions in which to grow. It has done so because in its journey, it discovered that the wind always decided its fate until it chooses to stand tall against it. C.L. Harmon
Redemption is one of the greatest opportunities in this life. And yet it seems that, on a human level, it is contingent upon the approval of others. We are redeemed because others accept the belief we have been redeemed. But why is it up to others to decide who are merely peers? In reality, true salvation is only offered divinely in spirit and by self choice in flesh. Forgive yourself even when others will not. Because not even for one second will they ever wear your burdens. C.L. Harmon
Whatever you want in this life will cost. To gain anything requires something from us. Wisdom has been paid with mistakes, knowledge has been paid with hard work, experience has been paid with failure and faith has been paid with desperation. This is the law of nature which teaches us to gain something without costs is to have gained nothing at all. C.L. Harmon 
There will be days in our lives when we are blind because where we are going must be led by someone else. There will be hours we are deaf because what is being spoken around us is detrimental to our purpose. There will be moments when we are without a voice because our words destroy more than build. There will be seconds we are utterly lost without direction because it is the responsibility of others to find us. But it is because of these absences we become whole. Without them we are fragments of our choices void of faith, the…
Sometimes we are required to stand alone. This is because there are battles in life that only we are equipped to defend. And as frightening as that may seem, doesn’t the idea that we are given a strength unique to each of us for defeating that which attacks us individually also mean there is no collective enemy we cannot conquer when we stand together? C.L. Harmon
Monsters are real. They are under the bed and in the closet, in the dark and the light. Feelings such as rage, revenge, hate and fear create them every day. And the nature of a monster is to destroy peace, forgiveness, love and security. In essence, the monsters we create are the monsters we become. But the ones we acknowledge and destroy transform us into what they would have ravaged. C.L. Harmon
Life isn’t about fair or unfair it’s about purpose. And that purpose supersedes all else because it is connected to the soul. We are born with it and created for it. But that purpose is a lifelong endeavor, which ultimately means that we, at times, may perceive our lives as being unfair due to being directed in areas we feel we don’t wish to go. In actuality however, if we understood what impact that purpose has on humanity, we would be in awe as to how little of a sacrifice we were required to give for such an incredible contribution…
Understanding your place in life means coming to terms with the pieces strewn about in your head. Finding that place means getting them out of your head and setting them in place. Realization you are where you’re supposed to be is finally seeing those pieces connected to everyone else’s pieces. Life is an unfinished puzzle with your small pieces making a larger piece which then adds to a whole bringing it closer to completion. C.L. Harmon
Sometimes we need burn things down, torch a swath and set parts of our past ablaze. Every civilization began in the wilderness and as each one grows it also decays as the decrepit and worn need removed and replaced by the new. Left alone, that which crumbles and no longer has value grows back into a new wilderness. But that which is razed to the ground leaves the opportunity to build a new beginning. C.L. Harmon
There will be moments in your life when you will need to be a leader; take the helm and lead others. But always lead them to the direction which calls to them. But first it is our nature to follow as we are followers first. This is because we must learn to lead ourselves even as we follow others. Never allow yourself to be led to the will of others who only follow their own direction or their hell may become your destination. C.L. Harmon
The problem with someone else determining your worth is that they have no idea how much has been invested in you by God. He values your existence enough to create you. Once you realize that, it makes the value others have of you seem insignificant. C.L. Harmon
Everything was once an abyss. What is comfortable and civilized now was once a dark chaos. It took desire, willpower and effort to bring it light and order. This is what we are tasked with in life. What is already tamed are examples that bringing light is always possible despite the depths of the darkness. Your life is your turn to tame more of the wilderness so those after you will have a place to stand before entering their abyss. C.L. Harmon
Fear and respect work hand in hand. We fear others when they have authority over us, but when that control is utilized to teach and empower us, it transforms into respect. Everything in life needs something else to make it complete. Alone nothing has balance. And without balance, harmony cannot exist. Fear is only the beginning of respect which was not nurtured into respect. The same is true with kindness which becomes progress when combined with direction and integrity which becomes honor when meshed with sacrifice. Seek all the necessary elements in your endeavors and the results will always be…
Sometimes the only freedom you can give yourself is letting go. There are certainly times to hold on . But when your grip becomes so intense that it becomes painful to both you and what you are clutching, any relief or security you were gaining has gone. Prison walls are built one stone at a time with each one holding you a bit more in place. Freedom is acquired with a single full blow from a wrecking ball that has been released. C.L. Harmon
If you view your existence as an opportunity for God to do something that can only be done through your existence, your life instantly has purpose. No matter your mistakes and failures, you have an objective which equates to value. Getting lost in the chaos of life doesn’t affect this purpose. Never judge your value by the way the world causes you to feel, but instead by the accomplishment of a purpose that could’ve only happened because of you. C.L. Harmon
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