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Sometimes we have to feel our way through moments in life. There are not always road maps and instructions to gain our bearings because where…
If we scatter stones randomly over an area, we erect nothing. But combine them and we can build whatever we imagine. Life is about building…
Internal conflicts happen within us because we desire something we question in our hearts is good for us. And yet our desire for what we…
Relationships are built by adding more to what has already been put into place. But we often put off building because we feel we lack…
The last step you take before you fall, is only the last for that journey. The very next step you take is the beginning of…
If the distance you are willing to travel to meet someone on an emotional level matters more to you than the other person, then their…
f we don’t look past what we want, we may never know what we truly need. Just because something fills a void does not mean…
Pain has a memory. It remembers, it protects. And though it may subside and lay dormant within, it never leaves us. This is so we…
There are those who will lend you a hand when you have fallen into a hole. They will extend a reach or throw you a…
Sometimes freedom is only a decision away. The life we seek waits for us to reach it because if it were to come to us,…
Giving up is blindness by choice. By refusing to trudge forward because something seems unattainable, we are opting to not see what could be. Willful…
What we seek in this life is often about filling a void and not about building something new. Filling a void is a repair for…
Passion is not naturally limited, but desire we ignore or cultivate. And in our end, it will either be the embers from a once burning…
Emotions stir inside us because we feel with everything that that makes us whole. We get to experience what can’t be explained, we grow inside…
Failure is a choice you make when you no longer wish to try. Trying is a choice you make when you no longer wish fail.…
Often times the wall that your back is up against is not there to stop you from moving forward. It’s there to keep someone on…
The essence of music is not a human creation, but a discovery which we cultivated. If we apply this reality in our own lives, we…
People ask you to follow them because they fear where you will go without them. If you follow, they control you and will only take…
To be cleansed in a rain storm means risking drowning in rising waters. But without risks, we are no more than settling dust. Everything you…
Whatever you are, be that without haste. Whatever your appearance, wear it proudly. Whatever the voice in your head, listen to it. Whatever the tune…
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