They both share passion, conviction of their beliefs, drive and a desire to change. One is a tyrant and the other a saint. It’s the same tools to reach very different objectives. They are paths which run parallel but end in opposite destinations. And with all their similarities, there is but one major distinction. It’s the choice to place one’s self above others or others above one’s self. Each is a key for us to open our life experiences. One unlocks the door to our heaven and the other to our hell. C.L. Harmon
The universe listens. We are intertwined within it and therefore connected and tethered to it. It works by design to guide us, support us. But it only responds to positivity because that is what it recognizes. It doesn’t know what to do with negativity. It was created to help move us forward, not backwoods. It returns positivity when we put it in the world. But with negative energy, it senses only emptiness and therefore has nothing to return. C.L. Harmon
Finding our way seems to imply we may be lost. When, in fact, it usually means just finding other ways. If we are not seeking new paths then we truly will become lost. We are always on some path but new ones exist because they are meant to take us to new understandings. Seeking anything is not an indication we are off course but proof we are enlightened enough to know that it often takes many paths to find the destination we belong. C.L. Harmon
You are a miraculous creature. Despite your faults, failures and shortcomings and because of your gifts, talents and accomplishments, you have evoked emotions in others, impacted the planet, altered the world and resided in the thoughts of others. So the next time, negative thoughts of self worth overtake you, remember that the miracle you need to overcome arrived the day your existence was conceived. C.L. Harmon
In a world where everything is for sale, be the one who offers freely. When everyone else is taking, be the one who is giving. Be what everyone else is not. Do what no one else wants to do. Stand alone when others follow. In doing so, all eyes will be upon you and you will be the one who sees amid a crowd of the blind. You will become the light which restores the sight of those who have never experienced life with a vision all their own. C.L. Harmon
Faith is not about taking the right road every time but about believing its destination will lead to fulfillment, regardless of how long we must travel it or our doubts that it may not have been the best road in the beginning. C.L. Harmon
Free will is our choice to live with a closed fist or a free hand. Holding onto negativity is like clutching stones. They have no value other than to hurl them at others. They become heavy over time and leave no space to carry anything else. But when we let them go, we then have the option to pick up anything we desire including the hand of those for which we once held rocks. C.L. Harmon
A moment in time, a moment of great significance and light. It’s there and then it’s gone. This is life with its past moments like ghosts haunting what was and unable to move forward. We too become these ghosts trapped within time when we view what was as being better than what can be. But letting go of those moments allows time to push our hearts and minds into what awaits us, while staying in the past leaves us as only aging shadows left to yesterday’s light. C.L. Harmon
It’s true that what we lose may never be returned to us. However, our emphasis seems to be on what we had as not having an equal and thus being an ending of sorts. And perhaps that’s true. But life doesn’t work in a tit for tat format. Each person, each experience has its own value unlike anything else created. As such, it’s not so much that we are losing something irreplaceable, but instead moving forward to seek something else that is in a world of never ending experiences. C.L. Harmon
Whatever you feel, be that without haste. Whatever your appearance, wear it, whatever the voice in your head, listen to it, whatever the tune in heart, dance to it. Feeling these is your soul revealing who you should be…who you need to be to change the world and make it yours. C.L. Harmon
Part of our journey is losing ourselves. Being off course holds answers just as the beaten path. We are not always meant to know where we are and what direction we are going. Sometimes what we need most is in the wilderness. Often times, while lost in the thick dense no man’s land, is our only opportunity to look inside ourselves and find the directions we need to move on the outside. C.L. Harmon
So much of what we give value to in this world is not found on the surface, but buried deep beneath us. Gemstones, oil, freshwater and precious metals must all be sought out from the depths. And knowing this, we still often fail to see what is hidden deep within each other. We seek very little past the surface. And yes it takes effort and patience to reach the depths. But this it seems is nature’s way of teaching us that what we value most is formed on the inside and rewarded to those willing to seek it out of…
There will be those days when everything just seems to go wrong. But beneath the wrong and hidden within the chaos of those days is the experience. And within that is knowledge, wisdom, awaiting memories and the opportunity for perseverance. Accepting what is beyond our control as a valuable addition equal to that which is in our control, balances us to the point where everything we encounter adds to a life where experiences become our most valued treasures. C.L. Harmon
Our lives can change in a moment. From upside down to right side up and vice versa, we are pulled into the storm or released into the gentleness of the calm. One is to release us and the other to enlighten us. But the significance is that change is hope. It means that we never stay the same. And with that is the never ending opportunity to seek what makes us happy and become who we desire to be. C.L. Harmon
It’s not about choosing the right door or the wrong door, but about what you do with what you find on the other side. Why worry about which path we take when every one has it’s challenges. Expect the difficult, challenge the disappointments and embrace the resolve it takes to overcome. Because then and only then will you know all that you can conquer. C.L. Harmon
When you figure out where you don’t want to be, you’re on your way to where you wish to go. In the mean time, make the effort to realize where you’re supposed to be. Then you will always be traveling away from where you shouldn’t be and always be en route to where you need to be. C.L. Harmon
Choices are links in a chain. The hope is that most will be strong links which help us extend the length of our chain as we move forward through life. Each new link offers us more options in which to utilize our chain. But if we are not careful, we will add weak links which eventually break, cutting off anything below it. And the shorter the chain, the fewer uses which are available to us. C.L. Harmon
You must not only wait for a miracle, but work toward it and trust that it exists just beyond your reach. When time is running out or you are tired and too weak to give one more minute of labor to your journey, you will find the miracle knew you before your journey even began. And it was waiting to carry you the rest of the way. ~ C.L. Harmon
Each new day is a gift. Our quest is to figure out how to open it. Once we do, we learn that the significance of the gift is exactly what we need today. When our moods and current situations put us in a mindset that our day is a burden, we minimize the value of the gift before we even know its contents. And that is an entire day lost to what will be instead of what could be. C.L. Harmon
Wanting change in our lives is about effort. It’s about working and not wishing. It’s true that things in life change as a result of universal momentum, but without effort we give that change no direction. We are given the distinction of navigating our lives through free will. We are also victims of that momentum when we opt to not provide guidance. Work towards the change you want and the universe will step aside as you lead the way. C.L. Harmon