PRINCIPLES OF HAPPINESS C.L. Harmon BE THANKFIL IN ALL THINGS: Make a habit of thanking God all the time and for all things. Think of it like this. I thank God when I take a shower because not everyone gets access to showers. I than Him when the AC in my car works because some people don’t have AC. I thank Him because I don’t have a headache and then thank Him it’s not worse if I do have a headache. The point is that we are always better off than someone else and we should always be grateful for this.…
As we age, our objective should not only be to grow up and accept growing older, but to grow forward. In doing so, we will learn not to laugh at someone but with someone. To cry with someone and not for someone. To follow through and not fall through. And to lose ourselves so we can be found by others who are lost. Growing forward means never looking back with the regret of not growing up. C.L. Harmon
I don’t so much believe bad things happen for a reason as I believe they happen because of our bad choices to not use reason. C.L. Harmon
Our connections to others are living legacies which affect us daily. Our interactions are seeds planted in their souls. As long as we live, we are sowing in and reaping from the lives of others. Once we understand this, we realize that most of what we grow comes from the fields of others. C.L. Harmon
When our influences on the outside become stronger than our faith on the inside, we have stepped into dangerous territory. Listening to others does often feed our growth. But believing in ourselves is the voice of the divine telling us we can be more than anyone on the outside can even fathom. C.L. Harmon
The idea that others’ words and opinions should affect our feelings is not a written law in stone. It is simply choices as to how we will allow them to make us feel. What is often lost is that we have all the power. By simply not allowing others to affect us in a way we don’t like is an aspect of free will. By refusing to be affected, we become empowered by our choice to be free of it. C.L. Harmon
The reason we are often at a standstill in life is because there is something we are not seeing and we cannot move forward until it is revealed to us. Although the direction we move forward is a choice, the timing for it is divine. So do not fret when you feel idle, but gather hope that when the timing is right, you were given enough time to choose the best direction . C.L. Harmon
The key to life is knowing how to live it. Do not waste your youth on ideals that you are not ready yet to understand. Learn to accept that what is out of your control is for your own good. Fail with grace because failing without it makes you appear weak. Love hard and let go peacefully. Laugh when it hurts and smile when you lose. And in the end, feel blessed to have had the greatest experience that you would never want to do again. C.L. Harmon
Whatever you do in this life, own it. Good or bad, call it yours and take it wherever you go. It’s not about the pride you feel or shame you wish to escape at the moment. It’s about the growth, the lesson, the experience. Running changes nothing. Though you can leave it, it never leaves you. So accept that which you create and it will allow you to create the life you wish to own. C.L. Harmon
In the sky we call them clouds, but on the ground we know it as fog. Although it’s the same, we see it differently, we name it differently. Because we see it differently, it becomes something different to us. We do this with other aspects in life as well. But the essence of a cloud remains the same regardless of where it is located. The same is true of us. As such, we should always remember the essence of humanity is goodness and then realize that others’ negative actions and demeanor aren’t about us, but where they are in life.…
Whatever you are, be that without reticence. Whatever your appearance, wear it, whatever the voice in your head, listen to it, whatever the tune in heart, dance to it. Hearing that it is your soul revealing who you you should be…who you need to be to change the world and make it yours.
Everything you want is on the side of difficulty, the inside of chaos, the backside of failure. So trip and fall with pride, crawl without regret and claw with a jovial attitude to reach it. Because when you do reach your final destination, you will have not only found what you want, but also realize that the journey is actually what you needed. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
Allow yourself to wither and die a little each day so that tomorrow will have room to add a new idea, a new experience, a new love. Often what we keep alive on the inside doesn’t allow space for what we desire on the outside. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
Free will causes collateral damage. It’s the freedom to hurt others or to help them, to save or condemn them. And because of its powerful nature, we are given a heart, mind and soul to ensure we use it wisely. But when any of these elements are ignored, the collateral damage will eventually reach its way back to the free will which spurred it. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
Embrace that which forces you to let go of your darkness and allow that which has crumbled in your life to return to dust. Do not build new foundations for the future in the blackness of the past where there is no light and using the rubble from it as the base to build the walls. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
We all tie ourselves to anchors. We are tied to that which keep us in a realm we choose to exist. However, we must choose wisely as some anchors can act as prisons keeping us from roaming while others are simply a security allowing us to explore with a sense of peace that we are tethered to something strong regardless of how far we go. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
The unique design of this life always offers us a natural compass. We can choose to go in any direction we wish to explore. And occasionally those directions find us lost. But as with a compass where there is a sense of consistent direction, life always provides a way out, a direction for hope. But to find it, we must trust in the belief that as lost as we may be, we have never gone so far that there is no other way. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of…
There will be those who come close to destroying you. But each day you survive tears a little away at them. Their willingness to break you down erodes against your determination to stand up. Your resolve is the only weapon from which there is no defense and the only one you need to rise above them. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
In life, remember yesterday as though your dreams were achieved. Fight today as though only a victory will bring about tomorrow. Live always as though happiness is in every next step ahead of you. And in dying, know you lived it right. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
The cold winds of reality chill to the bone and the storms in life knock the wind out of us, because suffering teaches us that everything on this side of life has a cost. Only through payment of what hurts to lose can we treasure the gains we are fortunate to hold. And shall we all love enough that to lose what we held is an unbearable cost reimbursed on the other side of life. C.L. Harmon. If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge