Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

To define something is to give it parameters. Definition seems as though it gives purpose we can understand. But defining something also limits it and hides what is still unknown from us. And without that mystery, we have defined our world and and thus limit ourselves. C.L. Harmon
Civilization isn’t technology and advancements in the quality of life. It is the simple act of being civil to each other. It is the principles of human nature being respected without intimidation and goodness triumphing over evil. Civilization is multiple acts of love and respect in a time and place when hatred and contempt are justifiable. C.L. Harmon
So many people seek to find themselves. And if ever they find what they seek, then how sad that is for them. Because never again will they know the joy of continuing self discovery. We should never seek an end to what can be, when the possibilities of what could be are endless. C.L. Harmon
Letting go of everything is like free falling from a great height. But if all we do is worry about where we land, then we have only let go to grasp onto something else. Falling is our freedom because it means we hold onto nothing and nothing holds on to us. And though it may be a hard landing, there will be no weight to carry once we pick ourselves up to move into a direction free of everything which held us in place. C.L. Harmon
Being out of a negative situation is standing on the outside looking inside. It’s a perspective like no other. The pain no longer has a hold on us and the misery is falling away. But when we see it with anger, we are still connected to the negativity regardless of how far outside we may be. And that connection keeps us from finding a new inside that fulfills us to the point that we never want to be on the outside again. C.L. Harmon
It’s okay to bring remnants of yesterday into today. But only bring the pieces that help you appreciate the now and entice the anticipation of tomorrow. Everything else is already spent and should remain only in our wisdom and memories. C.L. Harmon
There’s glory in the difficult and conviction in the complicated. So many situations in life seem to test us with unwarranted difficulties. And to make it worse, they often seem like such futile tests. But it’s not so much about the experiences as where they lead us. When we need a new perspective, it’s not so much the route which guides us there that is important, but the enlightenment which awaits us when we get to the destination. C.L. Harmon
The easy way to anything was used up a long time ago. This leaves us with the hard way or the belief there is no way. Either way we choose, the universe will let us. And in the end, there will be no doubt to anyone as to which one we chose. Because those of us who chose the hard way will have a history admired and bewildered by those who believed there was no way. C.L. Harmon
When we feel something passionately, it changes us profoundly. It’s as though an energy source has been released inside us that cannot be harnessed. It is an intensity that is rare due to its overwhelming effect. And it comes with purpose that must be realized. Passion without purpose is wind in a bottle with no escape, but passion with purpose is conviction in in an unstoppable motion. C.L. Harmon
There is something inside you clawing to get out and you are unknowingly its prison. It may be hope or passion or even the truth. And only you hold the key to let it out. Every day what is locked up inside yearns for freedom. And within its release resides the missing element your life has been missing. Opening your heart opens up your mind. And any open door is the first step to freedom. C.L. Harmon
Weathering the storm does not mean you will not get wet in the pouring rain or lose your possessions to the fierce winds. It does not mean you will always be safe and sheltered from the hale and lightning. It means you are willing to carry on in its aftermath and have the courage to believe that the beauty of tomorrow is greater than the carnage of yesterday. It’s the absolute acknowledgement that there is no storm in life with more intensity than the ones we create when we choose to overcome. C.L. Harmon
A new beginning does not come because there is a new day or a new opportunity. It is possible because we build it. Circumstances are either invitations into something different or excuses to remain the same. The ability to change our lives resides in our willingness to move forward when everything in our current situation pulls us back. C.L. Harmon
Finding your way in this life is not about taking all the right roads and following the directions. It’s about getting so utterly lost that the only way out is to build a new road. Every known path was once a wilderness that had to first be travelled by a lost soul. And every destination at the end of those new roads was where they considered themselves found. C.L. Harmon
Our actions are seeds we plant throughout our lives. And as those seeds take root and grow, they begin growing in other people’s lives. Anger grows into thorny underbrush that overtakes fertile lands. Deceit grows into poison weeds which choke out the beauty of lush pastures. Kindness grows fragrant flowers with a scent that is carried to others in the breeze. And love grows gardens which provide what sustains us. Plant only those seeds for others which produce that which entices you enough to pick for yourself. C.L. Harmon
Giant stones are worn down with water, steel turns to rust and mighty trees fall in the wind. These are visions of strength which are eventually reduced to rubble. We are shown these in nature to realize there should never be a question in our minds that the greatest of our troubles in life, no matter how powerful, will find their way into simple dust. C.L. Harmon
Your misery exists because it knows not to. Your peace is elusive because it has no direction. Your understanding is lacking because it is not fed wisdom. There are so many things in life to desire. But without the knowledge to comprehend the fundamentals of happiness, we will never understand the value of our desires even if we obtain them. C.L. Harmon
The hell you build for yourself is only as strong as your faith allows it to be. The same stones used to build your hell can become the stepping stones out of it. And in hand, keep your faith as the key to open what you believed to be the impenetrable door which kept you locked away. C.L. Harmon
If you can live your life as though you are connected to everyone else, then every avenue in their lives becomes a new possible path for you to explore. If you choose not to, then most directions you go become a one way dead end. Our connections to each other are what opens the roads to new destinations. C.L. Harmon
The days you are given are not meant to be filled, they are yours to be fulfilled. Each day has a purpose which you are tasked to discover. Within that purpose, is an answer you seek, a thought you need to move forward or a new direction your life should go. Enlightenment exists in the purpose and not the trivial. C.L. Harmon
Diving into unknown deep water is believing that whatever lies there is worth experiencing. The chance you may not resurface is what keeps you in shallow waters. But the amount of fear you are willing to overcome is not in the water, but in your desire to know your own depth. C.L. Harmon
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