Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

We are all flawed. There is no doubt that we lack knowledge, wisdom, and insight. But flawed is the foundation for direction. That which we lack in perfection is the catalyst for drive and improvement. Existence is not about knowing all, but about growing towards He who knows all. C.L. Harmon
Starting over is difficult because we believe others may see failure in what we were. But what others may think is not enough to dissuade those from gambling on themselves. For them, the risk is worth the cost, while never taking a risk is already considered failure. C.L. Harmon
Enlightenment is the realization that success of any kind is not the result of our choices, but the absolute certainty that our Creator left nothing to chance for it to exist.C.L. Harmon
Just because we do things out of love does not mean they are right. Everything we do is from an imperfect perspective. What we can do is learn to love better than we did yesterday. You don’t influence people for the better by your actions towards them, but by expressing love through the improvement of your own flaws today for their benefit tomorrow.C.L. Harmon
Your ego will lie to you over and over. It will point out everyone else’s flaws, but convince you that you don’t share them. It will tell you that you have more knowledge than others, instead of equal but different knowledge. It will convince you of your worthiness to receive because of your actions instead of the truth that you are deficient and therefore blessed by the grace of God. The devil does not speak to the soul; he speaks to the ego because it is the last place we choose to practice humility. C.L. Harmon
There are only two types of people in the world. Those who focus on others first and those who focus on themselves first. If you find that you are always last, you are with the wrong person. If you find yourself alone, others have figured out you are the wrong person.C.L. Harmon
Let people be miserable, unhappy, cranky and angry. At some point, they will tire of themselves. Enlightenment will finally come when they realize other people choose, peace and happiness for themselves over the company they once kept with you.C.L. Harmon
If you observe someone at the beginning of a journey and then again at the end, you will discover they are not the same. And though your observation may discern very little about the journey, it will provide a great deal about their character.C.L. Harmon
Yesterday may not have been the day we succeeded, but it was the day we persevered. Today may be a day we fail, but it is also the day we tried. Some days may seem like utter defeat, but each moves us forward. Not every day will offer a desired result, but every one builds on the previous one. And that means every tomorrow is one day closer to what we will accomplish. C.L. Harmon
Everything in life influences us based on two things. One is the value we place on peace and the other is the worth we place on security. No matter what occurs in life, we can place our peace above it. We can place so much value on keeping our peace that we allow others to lead, to be right, to be first, and to win even if not warranted or deserved. The worth we place on security, however, is different; it’s volatile. It is something we only have limited control over because everything can be taken from us. This is…
Sometimes we need a win. Life and the evil within it seem to mete out negatives and disappointments so much of the time that it can be crushing. But life nor the devil own us. We can provide a positive to ourselves anytime we choose. Never let the devil convince you that negativity is necessary or you will forget that happiness is a necessity.C.L. Harmon
Goodbye conveys we are leaving. There is a finality in them which conjures sorrow within us when it is a farewell to a creation of something good and positive – something that has become a part of us beyond who we were before its creation. And though these special creations end in one sense, they live on within so many others. Memories, experiences, and interactions do not know goodbyes, they simply become new creations within us. Though we may part in life, we are always connected as we take with us a bit of every goodbye, and with it, create…
We can build an empire on lies. We can protect it with corruption, promote it with deception, and camouflage it in positivity. It may thrive and even impress others. But it will never be free from attack. The truth’s only purpose is existing in all places at all times. All it knows is to invade where it has been denied. It will never relent until it is brought forth. It will deny protection and peace until the point death separates our life from our lies. C.L. Harmon  
Kindness costs less than what you have in your pocket, even when you’re penniless. Compassion takes only as much time as it takes to provide an embrace. Courage takes only a thought to be enacted, and action will follow. Faith works with only the will to believe in another, and their reality will respond. And change is ever present in the amount of time it takes to formulate a thought. It takes so little to matter to others; and to them this is what will matter most.C.L. Harmon 
If your peace can be influenced by someone else’s irritations, anger or frustration, then it is not peace you desire, but appeasement by those who would control you by their whims and emotions.C.L. Harmon
Before stepping out on what may be shaky ground, pray the stability to which you are moving toward is known solid ground. It’s much easier to fight your demons on the unsteady ground of which you are familiar than the unknown depths of which they are familiar. C.L. Harmon
There are lines within the psyche that are never meant to be crossed. They are entrances without exits. One side consists of conscience and clarity while the other, chaos and corruption. To tread upon those lines is to tempt madness: to step over them is to become it. C.L. Harmon
I used to think the world had color and we were allowed to see it. Now I know the world is colored by how we envision it. For some it’s black and white. For others it’s dark shades, and still for others it has light tones. What I find so interesting is that the world seems to know how we view it. And that it is exactly the world it creates for us to live. C.L. Harmon
Integrity will not chase you, it will only lead you. If you choose not to follow, it will remain behind. That which is moral and righteous, by nature, does not exist in that which is evil and corrupt. Therefore, it will never follow those who lead it to places where it cannot exist. C.L. Harmon
You are not enough. You never will be. You will never figure it all out, understand all there is and be who everyone needs. You will never get it all right, fix everything that is broken, and always know the right path. You will not make all the right choices, meet every responsibility, and right all the wrongs. Instead you will accept that what is given is enough and that it is more than you deserve. Instead, you will learn that ignorance is often a gift of protection, that there is humility in being wrong, education lives in failure, and…
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