Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

Most people don’t end up with what they want, but with only that they achieve. What we want most is never at the beginning of our efforts, but always at the end of perseverance. Achievement is what is between our initial belief in reaching that which we desire and the ending we chose in that belief before we reached perseverance.C.L. Harmon
There’s nothing more endearing than watching another choose humility. There’s nothing more gracious than being happy for someone who wins. There’s nothing more inspiring than experiencing someone do what is right. There is nothing more valuable than making a sacrifice when there in no personal gain. There is nothing more rewarding than teaching someone they matter. There is nothing more encouraging than believing in someone when no one else does. Sometimes, nothing more is everything. There is always something in every action. Let those actions be nothing less than the most you can offer.C.L. Harmon
There are those who judge your current position in life from their present elevated position in life. Beware of those few with that perspective. They choose not to see your past, your successes, your risks or your sacrifices. They only see their own. And that makes them blind to your capabilities.C.L. Harmon
Time passes and we can’t save it. Love is created, but it can’t perish. Strength is built, but it will weaken. Experiences will happen and they cannot be altered. Knowledge is gained, but it can be lost. And of all the undeniable truths and harsh realities which cannot be changed, there will always be the one constant that we have the capability to change. We are the exception to the natural rules. There will never come a time we cannot change who we have been into who we wish to become.C.L. Harmon
It is true we can acknowledge our own worth. But what value is that when we only spend it on ourselves? To value what others do is to provide them with a worth beyond one’s self. And in that is our value to others. C.L. Harmon
I have been really good at only two things in my life, writing and being a helper. The first came natural to me. The second, well I am not exactly sure how I became so good at. Perhaps it came naturally too. Or maybe it was something else. Possibly practice?  This is not to say that I haven’t learned how to do things and become proficient, maybe even good at a few. But taking the lead, taking control when things were broken was not something that came naturally. But I could certainly help those who did. In most situations where…
Finding our way seems to imply we may be lost. When, in fact, it usually means just finding other ways. If we are not seeking new paths, then we truly will become lost. We are always on some path, but new ones exist because they are meant to take us to new understandings. Seeking anything new is not an indication we are off course, but proof we are enlightened enough to know that it often takes many paths and directions to reach the destinations where we belong. C.L. Harmon
The practice of unfairness is a tool of the depraved and feeble minded. Those with integrity think outside the accepted constructs to expand the boundaries of moral thought and help empower all, while the weak in morality attack the righteous from the confines of their ignorance and insecurities. C.L. Harmon
There will be days in our lives when we are blind because where we are going must be led by someone else. There will be hours we are deaf because what is being spoken is detrimental to our purpose. There will be moments we are without a voice because our words destroy more than build. There will be seconds we are utterly lost without direction because it is the responsibility of others to find us. But it is because of these deficits we become whole. Without them, we are only fragments of our choices, void of the direction which lead…
When you seek power, take note of the company in which you keep. The first being the devil who chose it over grace. Desired power, once achieved, will either own you through ego or pass through you with humility and wisdom. Choose wisely the importance you give the power you possess. Otherwise, it may become the force which has complete power over you. C.L. Harmon
We must all spend our time in hell. We must walk amongst the proverbial fire and brimstone existent upon the earth because it is the only situation in life where we are thrust into seeking peace. Circumstances which contain little or no peace are the ones where we learn our current damnation is actually our guide that is pushing us along the road out of the eternal hell. C.L. Harmon
Mindset Faith is a climb. It is a continuous trek out from the depths of the trouble and despair that life frequently metes out. But the climb is not for the escape of our problems, it is the reminder that they are not ours alone. With each step of the climb, we are a bit closer to the one who has already taken care of those problems for us. We just don’t know it until we climb high enough to look down and see that God solved those problems while we were focused on the climb towards Him. C.L. Harmon
Make a mess, you can always clean it up. Make a decision. It may be wrong, but it might be right. Make a choice. It might not be what you want, but you will know what not to choose next time. Make time. You may never have another opportunity. Make peace. The only alternative is a hope to rest in peace. Make a way. Sometimes it is the only way. Make apologies. It builds a bridge to forgiveness. Make amends. It’s a down payment on future good will. Make a difference. It may be the difference that changes everything.C.L. Harmon
I l Don’t Believe… I don’t believe life has rhythm except in music and the rain. I don’t believe we get clarity. We just find different perspectives. I don’t believe storms harbor destructive intent, but sometimes just act out for attention. I believe chaos exists between purposes and we choose it because we can’t find our own purpose. I don’t believe we find direction, but that our way finds us. I believe power resides in faith and faith resides in our willingness to be powerless. I believe failure is a broken rung on a ladder, success is just a bigger…
Risk and safety are two sides of the same coin. So are people. Most will pocket the coin and save it. But there will always be those few who spend it just to see what it buys. And they may be broke much of the time because of it, but they are also the only ones with the option to purchase opportunity.C.L. Harmon
The greatest of creations are never aged. They don’t go out of style or lose value. They gain appreciation as their exposure increases and never fail to amaze and inspire. They are called people. And they may grow old on the outside but always remain young on the inside. They never lose sight of their individuality and worth, and they choose to toil for years in the dismal because they believe inspiration is the greatness they leave at the end of it. And all we must do to enjoy these masterpieces is acknowledge them allowing them to exist. C.L. Harmon
Once we understand that life is one journey leading into another, we can take our focus off the destinations and enjoy the scenery. There is no destination on earth that is a lasting happiness and denial of this, no matter how fervent, will change this. Everything in life with value is in the journey except the destination. And a destination is really just an ending where we rest before beginning a new journey with different scenery. C.L. Harmon
At any given time in life there is something to bring us joy, make us happy or provide hope. Nowhere in life is it written that we cannot make any of these our primary focus. The idea that any of us chooses to exert greater amounts of energy to the negative in life begs the question of what we value most in life. And that answer will be the answer to every other question in life. C.L. Harmon
The most powerful person in any situation is the one with the truth and the courage of conviction. No amount of evil or threat can deter them when lies and deceit have brought suffering to them and derailed them a prosperous fate. All those who rally around wickedness will never feel security because there is always a truth that will stop at nothing to be heard. C.L. Harmon
When we are truly sorry about something, it matters. It changes things. When we are truly kind, we have used our power to invoke life to the hope which has died inside others. So many seek the world looking to bring about change with wealth and influence, waiting as though they are the needed tools. But life-changing power has already been given unto us with our willingness to be humble, sincere and empathetic. Power lies in our ability to cause change. And change only needs a word or a gesture to manifest. C.L. Harmon
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