You are one. What is it to be one? Because you are one, you have the opportunity to be THE one. And that means you are the one who offers comfort to others in need. You are the one who provides an opportunity when no one else does. You are the one who saves what others wish to destroy. You are the one who guides when others are lost. You are the one with words when others need counsel. You are the one who might be the only one. And to them, that makes you everyone. C.L. Harmon
If we can look at life with the attitude that “the hell I’m in is better than the hell it had once been”, then we might just make it all the way out of our hell. C.L. Harmon
There are three things in life that you will eventually seek; peace, understanding and your purpose. In time, you will have to accept the reality that you have to accept what you don’t want to accept and embrace that its acceptance is the only way to obtain them. C.L. Harmon
Free will is the choice to live with a closed fist or an open hand. Holding onto negativity is like clutching stones. It has no value other than to use those stones to hurl at others. They also become heavy over time and leave no room to carry anything else. But when we let them go, we have the option to hold anything we like…including the hand of those for which we once held stones. C.L. Harmon
If you choose to let the depth someone drags you be deeper than your will to rise above that depth, that is a clear indicator of the shallowness of your conviction to rise up when someone is helping pull you up. C.L. Harmon
Dollar $igns have a way of obstructing all other signs. When we become fixated on them we miss ones such as STOP before someone gets hurt. Other ones include YIELD, warning us to slow down and be vigilant for what is coming. There is also CAUTION, telling us to direct our focus to what is near and present because danger is close. Let us not forget about WORKERS PRESENT, reminding us that our actions can be detrimental to those we are around. And lastly, WRONG WAY warning us to take a different direction because the road you are on is…
Life is a battle. It was never meant not to be. It was, however meant as an opportunity to change definitions. Hard is meant to change to overcame, impossible to accomplished, retribution to forgave, failure to persevered, and lost to discovery. Our own existence takes on new meaning when we understand that what is today is just something we have yet to define as something different tomorrow. C.L. Harmon
Pray for peace if things aren’t going to change or pray for change if peace isn’t coming. But do not accept change when it threatens your peace or pray for peace when you’re unwilling to change for it to exist. C.L. Harmon
Some of the best moments in life happen while we are waiting for the worst of times to pass. What is great in life does not wait for situations to improve, but for opportunities to exist. One eye on what is bad in our lives and the other on the good we hope is coming leaves us blind to the great that cares to see neither. C.L. Harmon
Immortality comes not from a lack of knowledge, but an abundance of ignorance as to the definition of morality. And the acceptance of immorality will prosper only when the ignorant accept humanity is not theirs to define but God’s. C.L. Harmon
Some people will spend the last several minutes of their lives hunting down the snake that bit them never realizing that it is not the poison in the snake that is killing them but the poison it left inside them. C.L. Harmon
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Out With The Fairly New, In With The Newest C.L. Harmon So, I have my arm mid-way inside my dryer as though I am in some odd lover’s embrace trying to figure out why she, my better half, isn’t drying. After a quick tutorial from a YouTube video and a prayer, I am hoping they are the answer to fixing her without the learned skill to do so. As I fumble around the trap door hidden under the multiple pieces I had already removed, I began to think about why I am on…
People do not fear others because of their strength or power, but because of their willingness to travel into the depths of darkness. And it is the sins they bring from those depths that most choose to not match in order to stay in the battle. C.L. Harmon
It’s not important to remember that there is strength in numbers. It is important to know that there is power in one. We only need to find one reason to live, one more step to succeed, one more sacrifice to achieve, one more prayer to know peace, and one more truth to be free. If we stop before taking the last step, we have stopped one step before completely understanding the reason we ever took the first step. C.L. Harmon
Problems become more problems when: We assume others do not have them. We assume ours are worse than others. We fail to help others from making them. We choose to not help others with theirs. We accept they cannot be solved. And we choose to become a new one instead of becoming the solution to another. We may not be the solution to all problems, but we can always be a solution to someone’s. And sometimes, one less problem is exactly the solution someone else needs. C.L. Harmon
Unfairness is a tool of the feeble minded. Those with integrity think outside the accepted constructs to expand the boundaries of normal thought and help empower all, while the weak in morality attack the righteous and moral from the confines of their willful ignorance and insecurities.C.L. Harmon
The moment you accept you have a responsibility to everyone becomes the moment you understand that life isn’t about you but about life allowing you to be a part of it.C.L. Harmon
If you want to know what real power is, make a decision. No other mechanism on earth can so easily destroy or improve the lives of others. C.L. Harmon
I don’t believe greatness makes itself aware. and I don’t believe we know when we are in its presence. I believe instead that we are in the presence of different. And when we realize that different had a profound effect on us, we then know that we were in the presence of greatness.C.L. Harmon
Peace seems to be in the darkest of places. It rests in the places we avoid, the places we don’t want to go. We tend to believe it is evasive, when in actuality, it’s just distant from the chaos we create. When it calls to us, we listen instead to the noise around us. When we see it approach, we ignore it and focus on the distractions in our lives. When we feel it near, we turn to problems because they are familiar. All these things we do to avoid going into the darkness. And yet the darkness is not…