Quote of the Day

Everything was once an abyss. What is comfortable and civilized now was once a dark chaos. It took desire, willpower and effort to bring it light and order. This is what we are tasked with in life. What is already tamed are examples that bringing light is always...

Quote of the Day

Fear and respect work hand in hand. We fear others when they have authority over us, but when that control is utilized to teach and empower us, it transforms into respect. Everything in life needs something else to make it complete. Alone nothing has balance. And...

Quote of the Day

Sometimes the only freedom you can give yourself is letting go. There are certainly times to hold on . But when your grip becomes so intense that it becomes painful to both you and what you are clutching, any relief or security you were gaining has gone. Prison walls...

Quote of the Day

If you view your existence as an opportunity for God to do something that can only be done through your existence, your life instantly has purpose. No matter your mistakes and failures, you have an objective which equates to value. Getting lost in the chaos of life...

Quote of the Day

They both share passion, conviction of their beliefs, drive and a desire to change. One is a tyrant and the other a saint. It’s the same tools to reach very different objectives. They are paths which run parallel but end in opposite destinations. And with all their...