
You are one. What is it to be one? Because you are one, you have the opportunity to be THE one. And that means you are the one who offers comfort to others in need. You are the one who provides an opportunity when no one else does. You are the one who saves what...


If we can look at life with the attitude that “the hell I’m in is better than the hell it had once been”, then we might just make it all the way out of our hell. C.L. Harmon


There are three things in life that you will eventually seek; peace, understanding and your purpose. In time, you will have to accept the reality that you have to accept what you don’t want to accept and embrace that its acceptance is the only way to obtain them. C.L....


Free will is the choice to live with a closed fist or an open hand. Holding onto negativity is like clutching stones. It has no value other than to use those stones to hurl at others. They also become heavy over time and leave no room to carry anything else. But when...


If you choose to let the depth someone drags you be deeper than your will to rise above that depth, that is a clear indicator of the shallowness of your conviction to rise up when someone is helping pull you up. C.L. Harmon