Monthly Archives: July 2024


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I l Don’t Believe…

I don’t believe life has rhythm except in music and the rain. I don’t believe we get clarity. We just find different perspectives. I don’t believe storms harbor destructive intent, but sometimes just act out for attention. I believe chaos exists between purposes and we choose it because we can’t find our own purpose. I don’t believe we find direction, but that our way finds us. I believe power resides in faith and faith resides in our willingness to be powerless. I believe failure is a broken rung on a ladder, success is just a bigger step. I believe all things matter. I don’t believe most things matter all that much. I don’t believe love is something we do as much as something we choose to be. I don’t believe happiness comes from what we know, but from what we accept. I don’t believe success defines anyone I believe character defines everyone. I believe most people look inside for answers because it’s a shorter walk than outside. I don’t believe people rise and fall but rather remember and forget their capabilities. I believe love conquers all, but most would rather control than be conquered. I don’t believe identity is a sense of self, but a sense of belonging to He who created us. And I believe in me because not believing allows me no belief at all

C.L. Harmon



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Risk and safety are two sides of the same coin. So are people. Most will pocket the coin and save it. But there will always be those few who spend it just to see what it buys. And they may be broke much of the time because of it, but they are also the only ones with the option to purchase opportunity.
C.L. Harmon



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The greatest of creations are never aged. They don’t go out of style or lose value. They gain appreciation as their exposure increases and never fail to amaze and inspire. They are called people. And they may grow old on the outside but always remain young on the inside. They never lose sight of their individuality and worth, and they choose to toil for years in the dismal because they believe inspiration is the greatness they leave at the end of it. And all we must do to enjoy these masterpieces is acknowledge them allowing them to exist.

C.L. Harmon



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Once we understand that life is one journey leading into another, we can take our focus off the destinations and enjoy the scenery. There is no destination on earth that is a lasting happiness and denial of this, no matter how fervent, will change this. Everything in life with value is in the journey except the destination. And a destination is really just an ending where we rest before beginning a new journey with different scenery.

C.L. Harmon



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At any given time in life there is something to bring us joy, make us happy or provide hope. Nowhere in life is it written that we cannot make any of these our primary focus. The idea that any of us chooses to exert greater amounts of energy to the negative in life begs the question of what we value most in life. And that answer will be the answer to every other question in life.

C.L. Harmon



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The most powerful person in any situation is the one with the truth and the courage of conviction. No amount of evil or threat can deter them when lies and deceit have brought suffering to them and derailed them a prosperous fate. All those who rally around wickedness will never feel security because there is always a truth that will stop at nothing to be heard.

C.L. Harmon



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When we are truly sorry about something, it matters. It changes things. When we are truly kind, we have used our power to invoke life to the hope which has died inside others. So many seek the world looking to bring about change with wealth and influence, waiting as though they are the needed tools. But life-changing power has already been given unto us with our willingness to be humble, sincere and empathetic. Power lies in our ability to cause change. And change only needs a word or a gesture to manifest.

C.L. Harmon



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You are one. What is it to be one? Because you are one, you have the opportunity to be THE one. And that means you are the one who offers comfort to others in need. You are the one who provides an opportunity when no one else does. You are the one who saves what others wish to destroy. You are the one who guides when others are lost. You are the one with words when others need counsel. You are the one who might be the only one. And to them, that makes you everyone.

C.L. Harmon



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If we can look at life with the attitude that “the hell I’m in is better than the hell it had once been”, then we might just make it all the way out of our hell.

C.L. Harmon



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There are three things in life that you will eventually seek; peace, understanding and your purpose. In time, you will have to accept the reality that you have to accept what you don’t want to accept and embrace that its acceptance is the only way to obtain them.

C.L. Harmon