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Author: C. L. Harmon


I have not seen a world where forgiveness did not make it better. I have not heard a sincere apology that did not stir something in a soul. I have not been exposed to a truth where something was not set free. I have not felt a pain that I did not learn from. I have not been in the presence of love and not felt something greater than myself. And I have not been witness to a great sacrifice and it not move something inside of me. And in each of these experiences, I have learned that not one of them didn’t make me a better person.

C.L. Harmon

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Let All Roads Lead To Peace

Quote of the Day

The concept that you and you alone are responsible for your happiness is false. Anytime love and our compassion for others touch our lives this is no longer possible. In truth, what you are responsible for is your peace. And within that is where you learn that happiness comes and goes. And further within that is the knowledge that acceptance of all life’s situations with enough grace to allow for any happiness is the only responsibility we owe ourselves.
C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

If we opt to not fight with the determination and zealousness it takes to overcome that which comes to destroy, we become weak because that weakness becomes a part of us. But fighting against what attacks us and simply refusing to accept defeat, arms the human spirit with the greatest weapon of all, hope.
C.L. Harmon

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Even In Darkness

Quote of the Day

One of the greatest misconceptions is that there is only weakness in the darkness. In our despair and depression, we are often told there is only hope that we will make it to the light leading us to believe there is nothing else in the darkness. In truth, everything is still there, just not visible in the darkness. Strength, courage, conviction, and hope are all present, but instead of being seen with the eyes, they must be felt by the heart.
C.L. Harmon

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Wolves in the Shadows

I think that most people in this country are mad, but they’re not sure at who or even why. This doesn’t mean they are unintelligent, quite the opposite actually. They are intelligent enough to know that something isn’t right. But they can’t quite put their finger on it. And it’s not one issue that causes the anger but the misdirection of many issues by those with the power to play on our emotions. If we get lost in the details of what stirs us emotionally, we are incapable of seeing what is factual. And what is factual is that we are being misdirected all the time from every direction. And those responsible for the misdirection remain in the shadows because it keeps us from seeing the reality that a misdirection is in play. In truth, those responsible for the misdirection and chaos it causes do not care about our political affiliation, stance on abortion, gender identity, views on racism, religious beliefs, views on historical structures being removed or anything else we hold important enough to care about. The reality is that it has never been about any of these things, but about keeping good people from looking into the shadows. Those responsible know we will not look there if they can keep us distracted in the light. They use our differences of opinions as weapons against us because emotions almost always lead before logic. And emotion causes damage until logic and reason take over.
Every single issue we the people are fighting over can either be settled with compromise or peacefully, if not happily, accepted as a general condition of the majority rules. It was this way before the people became pawns controlled by those who wish to control us. The abolition of slavery, end of segregation, women’s rights, civil rights for all, opposing views of the Vietnam War, the reunification of the South after their defeat in the Civil War without punishment and many other issues were all eventually accepted as societal norms. The issues of today are no different but for the one exception, that those issues were proposed and followed up with a support of acceptance of the people by those in power and not with the intent of division that exists today. As President Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Those who play us from the shadows are astute learners of the past. They know this better than most. And they are winning because they have learned that if we stand united, they are helpless against that union.
We defeat this evil only through unity. We win because we collectively believe that God, by whatever name we call Him, wants us to live in peace, harmony, and freedom. We only survive because if we opt to step in the shadows and confront the evil against us. We thrive only when we choose the common good over our individual opinions and accept that compromise and acceptance bind us to a greater good for the present and the future. We are not each other’s enemy no matter what we are expected and brainwashed to believe. We are friends, neighbors, coworkers, and citizens of a single nation. But we have chosen sides because we have been led to falsely believe that one side or the other must be victorious. In truth, there should only be one side; the side of the people. Everything we hold dear for ourselves, and our children resides in that one side. If we in the light do not reside unified in spirit, then those who have united in the shadows will take from us what God ordained and the Founding Fathers supported for all generations.
C.L. Harmon

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Embrace The Wilderness

When the world was given, it was done so as a wilderness. But within that which had yet to be tamed and civilized, there was a perfection and beauty because it was unknown and uncharted. If we the fail to see the beauty in that which is wild and chaotic in our own world, then we will be blind to any beauty it possesses when we tame it to our definition of civilization.

C.L. Harmon

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Travel Your Own Road

If you are envious of someone else’s road, then you have no faith in your own journey. Everything that happens to another on their journey and the time in which it occurs is paramount to their destination. If it does not happen for you or at the same time as another, it is because you are going different places and different distances. Trust that your road is equally important as another’s, but that each destination is custom made for the person chosen to reach it on the unique road built for them to travel toward it.

C.L. Harmon

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Choose Your Persusasion

Remember that when you are lost the only thing left is to be found. And when you are in darkness the light is the only other option. Do not allow fear and despair to persuade you that lost is a permanent condition when it is only a temporary situation or that darkness is a locked dungeon when it is only a tunnel at night. Always choose that which you desire, not that which persuades you that where you are is the only available option.

C.L. Harmon

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What It’s Worth

What others take from you, they will take with vigor and claim ownership. But no one can take from you what you give. What you give is your worth to keep. Remember that value follows intent and intent defines value. Giving is natural, taking is learned. Ownership always belongs to the one willing to let what they have go while possession is for the one who is willing to take from others.

C.L. Harmon

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Fall To Grace

Where we fall may be more important than why we fall. Perhaps it’s more about the landing than why we tripped in the first place. If it’s in a hole in which we land, maybe we are supposed to be looking up. If it’s a thorny patch, then perhaps we should be careful and move with caution as we continue on. If it’s a soft, lush landing, maybe we are to rest and enjoy the comfort of the moment. And if it’s a hard landing, perhaps we are to realize we need to be more aware because the next fall may be one we don’t get up from.

C.L. Harmon

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