C.L. Harmon
BE THANKFIL IN ALL THINGS: Make a habit of thanking God all the time and for all things. Think of it like this. I thank God when I take a shower because not everyone gets access to showers. I than Him when the AC in my car works because some people don’t have AC. I thank Him because I don’t have a headache and then thank Him it’s not worse if I do have a headache. The point is that we are always better off than someone else and we should always be grateful for this.
LAUGH ONCE A DAY: This is not always easy to do. Believe me I know! But laughter is one of God’s way of healing us without medications. Scientific Facts: Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. Force yourself to watch something on TV that is funny or spend time with people who makes you laugh and smile. The benefits will always outweigh the effort.
SET GOALS: Every day set a small goal and let nothing stop you from achieving the goal. It can be anything but make it something new every day. Wash the car, run an errand, clean out the junk drawer, etc. The point is to do something constructive that takes minimal time because completing something builds confidence and takes our minds off the negativity in our lives. We should also set large goals and spend a few minutes every day working on those goal. We will be amazed at how much progress is made in a short time. And that sense of accomplishment gives us a sense of pride which equates to a positive mindset.
DO SOMETHING FOR OTHERS AND FOR YOURSELF EVERYDAY: Perform at least one kindness for someone else every day without any expectation of receiving anything in return. It does not matter if it’s a friend, family member or stranger, just do a good deed. First off, helping others makes us happy by design. Think of it as a bonus God gives us to do what we should do anyway. And as a further bonus, God rewards us further by blessing us for doing what He expects of us. As the Bible reads. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Medical evidence shows that helping others can also benefit our own mental health and wellbeing. For example, it can reduce stress as well as improve mood, self-esteem and happiness. And also reward yourself for doing what is right. Treat yourself everyday with an enjoyment. It reminds us that there is goodness in the world and that God created so much for us to enjoy. Do things often that makes you happy and your entire being will become addicted to that happiness.
LET GO OF NEGATIVITY: I realize this is easier said than done. But letting go of what makes you angry, sad or frustrated removes an enemy from your life. But never expect to do it all at once. We typically do not become negative over once incident, but by a series of continued exposure. Ask yourself every day if the misery you feel is worth the happiness it costs you to hold on to it. I promise you it’s not. Then slowly let it go replacing it with something positive, something worthy of your energy. In time, what you feel will turn to indifference…and that opens up space for happiness. Think of it like this; God lets you choose negativity or happiness. But He is telling us that negativity is blind and blocks our view to see blessings and so we think God is not helping you when, in actuality, we are simply not listening and as such, not seeing all He is doing for us.