

Imagine when meeting each other, instead of asking how life’s treating you, we asked what difference you had made in the world lately? How would you respond? Each day is freely given to us. Our gratitude towards it should be that we add something positive to fill it up.C.L. Harmon


Effort does not always provide an equal result. It is one of the aspects of life that values time more than reciprocity. Time offers lessons that have long-lasting implications which then become tools to hone our future efforts. And those tools are called wisdom, knowledge and experience which tilt each…


Every single human being has one thing in common; we all learn from those around us. This means we are all products of our environment and are vessels of what others instill in us. And that means we are influenced by imperfection. Knowing this means we should never trust the…


The people who take risks and step out into uncertainty believing in a dream may not be the smartest people in the room, but they are certainly the only ones brave enough to fail and succeed on their own terms.C.L. Harmon


The truth doesn’t change because your opinion of it wants it to be different. And your opinion will not change unless you accept that the truth has no need or use for your opinion. C.L. Harmon


Unhappiness is life’s way of telling us something isn’t right with our circumstances. Uncertainty is life’s way of telling us circumstances can change unhappiness. Understanding unhappiness is life’s way of telling us that the change of circumstances must occur inside our minds before the world can reflect them on the…


Some people will always scribble outside the borders of the known reality. Because to them, if it can be thought of, then there is no border, but only the continuation of an incomplete slate to be written with the mark they place upon it.C.L. Harmon


Happiness is the realization that no one else can define it for us. Being happy, however, is the realization that that which defines us cannot come from anyone but us. C.L. Harmon

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