

We are all flawed. There is no doubt that we lack knowledge, wisdom, and insight. But flawed is the foundation for direction. That which we lack in perfection is the catalyst for drive and improvement. Existence is not about knowing all, but about growing towards He who knows all. C.L.…


Starting over is difficult because we believe others may see failure in what we were. But what others may think is not enough to dissuade those from gambling on themselves. For them, the risk is worth the cost, while never taking a risk is already considered failure. C.L. Harmon


Enlightenment is the realization that success of any kind is not the result of our choices, but the absolute certainty that our Creator left nothing to chance for it to exist.C.L. Harmon


Just because we do things out of love does not mean they are right. Everything we do is from an imperfect perspective. What we can do is learn to love better than we did yesterday. You don’t influence people for the better by your actions towards them, but by expressing…


Your ego will lie to you over and over. It will point out everyone else’s flaws, but convince you that you don’t share them. It will tell you that you have more knowledge than others, instead of equal but different knowledge. It will convince you of your worthiness to receive…


There are only two types of people in the world. Those who focus on others first and those who focus on themselves first. If you find that you are always last, you are with the wrong person. If you find yourself alone, others have figured out you are the wrong…


Let people be miserable, unhappy, cranky and angry. At some point, they will tire of themselves. Enlightenment will finally come when they realize other people choose, peace and happiness for themselves over the company they once kept with you.C.L. Harmon


If you observe someone at the beginning of a journey and then again at the end, you will discover they are not the same. And though your observation may discern very little about the journey, it will provide a great deal about their character.C.L. Harmon


Yesterday may not have been the day we succeeded, but it was the day we persevered. Today may be a day we fail, but it is also the day we tried. Some days may seem like utter defeat, but each moves us forward. Not every day will offer a desired…


Everything in life influences us based on two things. One is the value we place on peace and the other is the worth we place on security. No matter what occurs in life, we can place our peace above it. We can place so much value on keeping our peace…

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