

People don’t choose the hard way because there are other options. They choose it because it is the only option. Life does not always give us a choice. It gives us difficulty with faith in front of it and experience behind it. It does not need judgment from others in…


You can view the world through the smallest of perspectives if you choose. You can ignore or include whatever you wish. The level of ignorance you possess is directly linked to the size of world you choose to learn from and experience. But know that when the world seems too…


Sometimes there’s a desire to do it our own way, forge a new path even though other paths already exist. At the time, it seems inexplicable as to why we feel the way we do when there are already other paths. But then we realize, it was never about a…


The devil’s ignorance is such that, despite his intentions, he has become a teacher to humanity. His every action is a lesson in what harms us and keeps us from peace and joy. This foolishness has become our roadmap to enlightenment. So, do not fear the darkness when it swirls…


You can be positive or negative in any situation. The thing to acknowledge is that the situation doesn’t care. It has no power to control you, only the power to exist. Now think about that the other way. You could be completely controlled by the situation without the option to…


Everything you truly desire is on the other side of struggle. Everything you need to overcome adversity is on this side of strength. Everything else between those two points is perseverance. C.L. Harmon


We tend to measure life in hours and years. This implies an urgency to accomplish and succeed before it runs out. How different a course our lives might take if we measured life in distance. This measure implies that the only limit is the one we create if we choose…


Anger is one of those tools that has very few purposes. Much like an axe, it can be used in so many destructive ways that do more harm than any one tool should. But when it’s used correctly for its intended purpose, it’s exactly the right tool to accomplish the…


Nothing we earn, achieve, or acquire will remember us after we pass. All of it will fade away or become the property of another. The memories and words we leave with others will be traces that attach to their souls and the only personal part of us we leave behind.…


Life is uncertain it seems; a wilderness full of risks to be traversed. But risks are steppingstones leading to fate once we start taking them. And fate is not idle, but patient waiting for us, keeping us company, walking with us. And though we may not know our fate, it…

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