Multitudes may ask for wealth, many will ask for strength, some will even ask for knowledge and maybe a few might ask for wisdom. But I shall ask for faith, for it is the only request that shows I believe only God knows what I truly need to be fulfilled. ~C.L. Harmon
Sand under a microscope are tiny works of art with different shapes, sizes and colors. But that is not what we see when we walk on it. If we could see that beauty with the naked eye, we would probably walk on it more carefully and even stop to admire the magnificence of those grains. Just because beauty isn’t visible to us does not mean it’s not there. Beauty is often hidden from us because in life we need to be willing to believe enough it exists where we rarely think we will find it. C.L. Harmon
Never let someone else’s burden become your priority. What they hold onto is given to them for a purpose and is theirs to let go in the appropriate time. Empathy does not equate to responsibility of ownership. It does, however, require acknowledgment that their suffering should be eased by all the hope, kindness and peace we can loan them. C.L. Harmon
For some, today will be a destination. But for others it’s only a leg of their journey. It is imperative that we understand and accept this. We all wish to accomplish and move forward. But today is purposeful and requires our attention more than what is to come. There is something in today that was not available yesterday and will not be tomorrow. And it is that discovery today that allows us to make sense of yesterday while preparing us to recognize the meaning of the destination awaiting us tomorrow. C.L. Harmon
You may be on the verge of a breakdown or swimming in a misery that seems all consuming. But know that it is in the midst of such hardships that the most moving forms of art ever created, the greatest discoveries of self and the breakthroughs which changed the world came forth out of that chaos. As difficult as times may become, it is in this desperation that we are compelled to reach deeper inside than ever before to find our way out. C.L. Harmon
When we visualize the path we wish to take in this life, we should remain open to venture off a bit into the wilderness. There are experiences which await us in the wild that teach a destination should be flexible enough to show us that the journey itself has the ability to provides us with new directions. C.L. Harmon
Mindset What Makes Us?What makes us? Is it our chemical makeup, our cells and molecular processes that give us identity? What about our choices and experiences? Are we a product of them or are they our identity? Our likes and dislikes, where do they originate and are they choices or something ingrained in us that we have little or no control over? Are we a perfect design completely programmed from the factory or a self-driven result created from a blank slate to fill with failures and triumphs?Maybe it’s as simple as we are a part of everything and all things.…
Finding yourself out of rhythm with the music doesn’t mean your steps are wrong. It simply means that particular tune is being played for someone else at that moment. Not every song is meant to be danced to. Some are just melodies we are given to enjoy until it’s our time to dance to the rhythm which is only playing for us. C.L. Harmon
Patience is a gift we offer ourselves. Happiness is a gift we give ourselves. Joy is a gift we allow ourselves. Tolerance is a gift we teach ourselves and success is a gift we define for ourselves. And within all of these gifts is peace, the only one which comes because we recognize we must gift ourselves that which we wish to fulfill us. C.L. Harmon
When we focus on what is negative we give it an importance in our life that it should not have. We create a place for it to exist. Free will affords us many things; the most important of them is the choice to assess value to what happens to us. Whatever worth we assign it, will determine how much happiness we allow ourselves to purchase. C.L. Harmon
When you realize you can never do enough to repair the world, but you try anyway, then you finally understand that hope isn’t designed to make the world better, but designed to make you a better person in a world in need of repair. C.L. Harmon
Quote of the Day I don’t believe God tests our faith so much as I believe He places us in situations where we must rely on it.~C.L. Harmon
Live your life as though you chose every negative thing that has ever happened to you. And you chose them because you wanted to prove that there is nothing you can’t conquer and overcome to live life on your terms. C.L. Harmon
When the devil convinces us that we can direct our lives better than God, then he becomes the one who will be plotting our course. C.L. Harmon
So much of our life is spent lost. There seems so little reason as to why that we become consumed in searching to be found. But it’s in these precise times we seek to know…it’s when we look for meaning. And it’s in those moments we find it. Because being lost is the only time we truly understand what it means to be found. C.L. Harmon
Common ground is where two people meet because they believe in compromise and peace. No man’s land is where there is no reason because purpose had been abandoned. Reality is the wisdom to know they are the same ground, but entered upon with different mindsets. C.L. Harmon
The small kindness you do today, may be the only reason someone does a great kindness in the future. Kindness has a memory and it never forgets it owes itself to someone. And the someone it chooses may just be the right person to perform a kindness that changes the world. C.L. Harmon
Direction is a choice. Fate is a result of our decisions. And destiny is where we realize God loves us more than He hates the bad choices and decisions we made. C.L. Harmon
Of all the people I have known throughout my life, the greatest among them have served a loving and merciful God…regardless of what name they called him.~C.L. Harmon
Our voices must be louder than the wolves in the wilderness. The wolves do not fear the sheep, but the cunning and intelligence of the shepherd. It only takes one wolf to be a danger to the flock. But it only takes one voice to strike hesitancy in the wolf as well. Silence is often an invitation to evil, whereas a voice from the wilderness is the protection which keeps it at bay. C.L. Harmon