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Faith is not about taking the right road every time but about believing its destination will lead to fulfillment, regardless of how long we must…
Free will is our choice to live with a closed fist or a free hand. Holding onto negativity is like clutching stones. They have no…
A moment in time, a moment of great significance and light. It’s there and then it’s gone. This is life with its past moments like…
It’s true that what we lose may never be returned to us. However, our emphasis seems to be on what we had as not having…
Whatever you feel, be that without haste. Whatever your appearance, wear it, whatever the voice in your head, listen to it, whatever the tune in…
Part of our journey is losing ourselves. Being off course holds answers just as the beaten path. We are not always meant to know where…
So much of what we give value to in this world is not found on the surface, but buried deep beneath us. Gemstones, oil, freshwater…
There will be those days when everything just seems to go wrong. But beneath the wrong and hidden within the chaos of those days is…
Our lives can change in a moment. From upside down to right side up and vice versa, we are pulled into the storm or released…
It’s not about choosing the right door or the wrong door, but about what you do with what you find on the other side. Why…
When you figure out where you don’t want to be, you’re on your way to where you wish to go. In the mean time, make…
Choices are links in a chain. The hope is that most will be strong links which help us extend the length of our chain as…
You must not only wait for a miracle, but work toward it and trust that it exists just beyond your reach. When time is running…
Each new day is a gift. Our quest is to figure out how to open it. Once we do, we learn that the significance of…
Wanting change in our lives is about effort. It’s about working and not wishing. It’s true that things in life change as a result of…
PRINCIPLES OF HAPPINESS C.L. Harmon BE THANKFIL IN ALL THINGS: Make a habit of thanking God all the time and for all things. Think of it…
As we age, our objective should not only be to grow up and accept growing older, but to grow forward. In doing so, we will…
I don’t so much believe bad things happen for a reason as I believe they happen because of our bad choices to not use reason.…
Our connections to others are living legacies which affect us daily. Our interactions are seeds planted in their souls. As long as we live, we…
When our influences on the outside become stronger than our faith on the inside, we have stepped into dangerous territory. Listening to others does often…
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