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The idea that others’ words and opinions should affect our feelings is not a written law in stone. It is simply choices as to how…
The reason we are often at a standstill in life is because there is something we are not seeing and we cannot move forward until…
The key to life is knowing how to live it. Do not waste your youth on ideals that you are not ready yet to understand.…
Whatever you do in this life, own it. Good or bad, call it yours and take it wherever you go. It’s not about the pride…
In the sky we call them clouds, but on the ground we know it as fog. Although it’s the same, we see it differently, we…
Whatever you are, be that without reticence. Whatever your appearance, wear it, whatever the voice in your head, listen to it, whatever the tune in…
Everything you want is on the side of difficulty, the inside of chaos, the backside of failure. So trip and fall with pride, crawl without…
Allow yourself to wither and die a little each day so that tomorrow will have room to add a new idea, a new experience, a…
Free will causes collateral damage. It’s the freedom to hurt others or to help them, to save or condemn them. And because of its powerful…
Embrace that which forces you to let go of your darkness and allow that which has crumbled in your life to return to dust. Do…
We all tie ourselves to anchors. We are tied to that which keep us in a realm we choose to exist. However, we must choose…
The unique design of this life always offers us a natural compass. We can choose to go in any direction we wish to explore. And…
There will be those who come close to destroying you. But each day you survive tears a little away at them. Their willingness to break…
In life, remember yesterday as though your dreams were achieved. Fight today as though only a victory will bring about tomorrow. Live always as though…
The cold winds of reality chill to the bone and the storms in life knock the wind out of us, because suffering teaches us that…
Goodness is inherent, it’s recognizable. We feel it when we see it. But that which is less righteous is often disguised and cunning. And those…
Reside in your mind and you will discover that all roads have destinations. But follow your heart and it will lead you on endless journeys…
Our strengths define us because they are born out of weakness. It is the struggle to overcome where we find integrity. It’s what’s difficult and…
Finding fault is like finding fools gold. It has little or no value. Placing blame solves nothing nor opens a door to a new direction.…
Stand up today for what you hold sacred. Remind those who trespass against you that your principles carry more weight than their actions and opinions.…
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