Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

The heart holds five elements: light, love, darkness, hate, and peace. Each are molded into human creation with purposeful precision for the intention of bringing about understanding. A rich man does not see as a poor man, nor does a poor man see as a rich one. We only see what we are and not what we are not. And so, we must be all. We are the light. Not to see, but to be the beacon. We are love. Not because we love, because we are a part of what creates it. We are darkness, not because we are…
You can view life through the smallest of perspectives if you choose. You can ignore or include whatever you wish. The levels of ignorance you possess are directly linked to the size of world you choose to learn from and experience. But know that when the world seems too large and overwhelming, it’s quite possible that your perspective in life is so small that all you see is the ignorance.  C.L. Harmon
Whatever it may be you are walking through today, remember that you are either moving away from something negative or toward something positive. So walk with the grace that makes others want to walk in your direction. Walk with the courage that makes others want to follow and experience what it’s like to own the path. Walk with conviction so others will step out of your way. And never give anyone the satisfaction of knowing they have the power to make you run from them. C.L. Harmon
Some days you will feel defeated…and you will be. The pieces will break and the shards will crash around you. Your bones will ache and darkness you will see on both sides of your eyes. But then there will be a memory which pulls you from the day’s abyss, a soothing tune or just a comfort in the closing of that day, because hope abounds. Let us never forget that hope is the greatest of creations that lives in the smallest of experiences. C.L. Harmon
The weak willed will always follow evil if it’s presented as something easy or free. The strong willed, however, lead the way to goodness because they are drawn to what is greater than themselves. And that which is greater is rarely easily attainable. Being a leader is not choosing to not follow evil, it’s pursuing the greater with such vigor that others choose to lead with you in pursuit of the more difficult to discover what you seek. C. L. Harmon
Conquerors amass lands. And yet the farmer gains more from the acre in which he eats. The wealthy amass fortunes too much to spend. And yet it is the poor who learn value as it is needed to survive. Tyrants rule over hordes and yet the oppressed’s hearts rest not in servitude but in freedom. And governments amass authority. But it is the people who own defiance, which does not answer to authority. Fulfillment comes not from what you acquire but what you desire. Conquerors amass lands. And yet the farmer gains more from the acre in which he eats.…
The force which pulls you is what keeps you on the right path. At times it will be a negative one which is life telling you to fight and pull back. And other times, it will be positive telling you to stay the course and remain vigilant. But each force is needed to keep us from wandering aimlessly through life. This is because purpose lies in the narrowness of the middle. If we venture off course, purpose becomes misplaced. And your purpose may just be the door to someone else’s path. C.L. Harmon
When the rich want the poor to do better, that’s hope. When the saved want salvation for all, that’s faith. When the healthy want cures for the sick, that’s compassion. When the poor refuse to steal from the rich, that’s integrity. When the lost listen to the saved, that’s trust. When the sick accept help from the healthy that’s charity. Life always puts us on one side of the coin. And though we may not always have the option to flip the coin, we do have the power to give that coin more value. C.L. Harmon
We were given a voice because evil will grow in silence. We were given language because unity requires communication and a lack of divides us. We were given resolve because enemies are always determined. We were given the ability to listen because those against us boast of deeds. But above all these, we were given choice…and that determines the amount of evil we are willing to accept. C. L. Harmon
Everyone is in the presence of greatness at one time or another. The key is knowing when you’re having those moments then allowing your greatness to shine through to others. C.L. Harmon
Pain is currency and that is how we pay our way through life. There is a price to life, a fee to experience both the good and the bad, the joyous and the sad. It’s the cost to see the show. And in the end, if you assess the price was too high, then be assured that you focused so much on the cost of gaining entry that you missed the best parts of the show. C.L. Harmon
The thing about creating a throwaway society is that you take away the importance of value as a whole. So you don’t only throw away products…eventually you end up throwing away people. C.L. Harmon
At times in our lives we are tasked with following, but never are we to accept where that will lead without questioning if the destination is the right direction for us. Often times we are only to follow until it leads us to a fork in the road. Just because someone leads you away from the fire does not mean they are leading you to safety. C.L. Harmon
Fear robs you of what is rightfully yours. And when it finishes stealing, it leaves itself as a reminder of all you lost and what all you could have gained. C.L. Harmon
Close your eyes and remember a time in your life when you didn’t feel fear. Think about the freedom you felt at that moment without the grip of something dark clutching your emotions. Think back on the simplicity without stress and a relief that seemed to surround you. Ponder a moment on the calmness that brought a sense of peace and calm in that moment. Now open your eyes and look at everything around you. What is that you see that has so much value, it’s worth taking that feeling away from you. C.L. Harmon
If we give up part of ourselves for what is immoral or selfish we have sold our souls to become slaves to a master.  As such, we do their bidding no matter what cost to others. Freedom is gained and kept on battlefields, but before a single bullet is fired, we must be free in our minds and selfless in our hearts. Those who realize this understand that the nature of a master is to control while the requirement of a slave is to obey. The righteous already know this and further, that regardless of what is gained by the slave,…
The Five Most Important Lessons You Learn If You Live Long Enough 1 Worry is buying stones with gold; it’s giving away what is precious for something that has no value. 2 Love and hate begin merely as choices, but eventually become lifestyles. 3  Though others’ choices may impact your existence, you alone define your life. 4 Owning your mistakes keeps you from borrowing trouble in the future. 5 Faith in humanity from God is a gift. Faith in God from humanity is an investment. 
If you call me a derogatory name because of my heritage, that cost me nothing. I lose nothing because of what you say or the opinion that you hold. If I fall and break my leg and you don’t help me up, that’s okay. If you vote differently or support something I do not, that’s okay too. If you refuse to back off of a principle I do not hold, I will not hold it against you. If you choose to allow something to come between us, I will still meet you in the middle if you decide to remove…
To have integrity will alienate you from those with a willingness to sacrifice their morals. But remember that a seed is covered with dirt, drowned in water, hidden from the sunlight and left to dwell in darkness. And yet it takes everything that is seemingly against it and uses them to reach up and break through the ground. To have honor in a world rampant with immortality is to be the seed that grows tall above the weeds which attempted to choke it out. C.L. Harmon 
What you want must be more important than what you fear. Fulfillment only comes out of risk. And yes, we often lose and suffer, but without that suffering we would not truly understand the value of fulfillment when we experience it. What you want is out there and it will find you, but it will not force itself. You will either accept it on faith or deny it out of fear. At the end of your life, which one would you have wished you had chosen? C.L. Harmon
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