Goodness is inherent, it’s recognizable. We feel it when we see it. But that which is less righteous is often disguised and cunning. And those who wear such masks and practice deception often use the shadows from the light to mimic good intentions. So if what you feel on the inside about someone needs a candle to be identified, ask yourself why it is you can’t feel their light. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
Reside in your mind and you will discover that all roads have destinations. But follow your heart and it will lead you on endless journeys your mind cannot even fathom. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
Our strengths define us because they are born out of weakness. It is the struggle to overcome where we find integrity. It’s what’s difficult and tempting that force us to fight against what we know is wrong. It is in our broken and fragile states where we are too weak to fight that we learn to forgive. And it is in our desperation that we to opt to persevere and not perish. Every weakness we have is simply a future strength we have yet to cultivate. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down…
Finding fault is like finding fools gold. It has little or no value. Placing blame solves nothing nor opens a door to a new direction. Accepting fault when it is due however, is a treasure chest of pure gold. When we accept what diminishes us we change and grow our worth. And when we do not assess blame on others, be it their fault or not, we give them an opportunity to seek their own treasure and increase their self worth. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy my perspectives, please check out my book “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping…
Stand up today for what you hold sacred. Remind those who trespass against you that your principles carry more weight than their actions and opinions. Each time you rise after a fall, is a silent statement that you tower over those who sink low enough to strike at your feet in order to bring you down. And it is from that height that you will walk away from those who spend their efforts crawling after you. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy my perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge…
You can’t stop someone else’s darkness even though you may be the light. Nor are you required to own it. The misery which swallows them is not yours to taste. To overcome the gloom which inhabits them, they must only use your light to illuminate how they create their own. But they should never take your light to feed their darkness. C.L. Harmon If you enjoy C.L. Harmon’s insights, please check out his book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge” available on Amazon. Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge
Some people do things their own way because that is the only way which makes sense to them. And others will question their choices because they make no sense to them. But it only takes one person to create a new way no one thought possible. And that new way comes because to that one person, it seemed the only way. C.L. Harmon
Falling apart is actually just falling together in a new creation. And yes it’s painful. Crashing through barriers often is. But what is being created is something that has never before been in existence. Your despair and despondency are the new pieces to a different you. Don’t worry about holding yourself together, but instead focus on falling into a better version of you. C.L. Harmon
Every day we should bury our dead. With each new sunset, we should reflect back upon the previous hours and know we have bid farewell to that which has died in our lives. We should never allow the spirits of yesterday to become ghosts which haunt us today. Cover that with dirt which drains the zeal from your life and plant within that soil that which is born to give you the most out of life. C.L. Harmon
A moment can be wasted or spent wisely. And though it may only be a moment in all of time, within it contains opportunity, salvation, freedom and enlightenment. It is the one currency which has unlimited value. And when we realize that worth, we finally understand that a worthwhile life can be lived in the few moments we are given and realized in the single moment we accept it. C.L. Harmon
You are of more value than you can imagine. What negativity you see in yourself is only a minuscule part of you. Your creation is so multi-faceted that you will never realize what others see nor completely know the impact you have on them. Live always as though you are the breath others require to survive. Because what your existence provides to others may just be exactly that. C.L. Harmon
Standing our ground should be a firm stance when defending our principles. But do not confuse them with pride. Principles are not fleeting thoughts based on emotion, but hardened ideals cultivated from life experiences. Pride, however, is just ideas of how we believe the world should act according to us. C.L. Harmon
Humanity should never attempt to see beyond God’s veil, to know what is behind the curtain. Instead, we should just enjoy the show. The reason aspects of creation are hidden is so we revel in its mystery and not get lost in the mundane. Spend your life being the mystery…and the world will follow to watch your show. C.L. Harmon
The true genius of a man lies in the madness he can control. And it is within that little control, he must keep the madness from consuming the genius of man. C.L. Harmon
Stop searching for answers to questions not yet ready to be asked. Cease from seeking that which is not meant to be yours. Put an end to chasing what is always outside your grasp. Misery finds you because it follows that which disappoints you. Goodness will eventually find your grasp. And then the time will be at hand for questions to be asked and answered. C.L. Harmon
The shadow we cast can stretch beyond our comprehension. As such, we must acknowledge that at some point others will stand in that shadow. In essence, we are between the light and those in the shadow which we have created. The choice for us is to be the representation of the the darkness in which they are standing at the moment or the light ahead which awaits them once they move beyond our shadow. C.L. Harmon
Sometimes what we chase in our lives stems from not understanding what joy there is in simplicity. We go after what is grand with the belief it holds more than the simple that is within reach. But the reality is that one does not hold more than the other. They just each contain a different value for us. To sacrifice one for the other is never a gain because it takes both to realize the value of the other. C.L. Harmon
The spark inside you is controlled by you. It can remain a tiny spark in the darkness, become and remain a small flame of warmth or grow into a large passionate blaze. It will spread into all aspects of your life if you add fuel or remain inside and insignificant if you choose to not fan it’s flames. C.L. Harmon
It is not just the end of a journey that should be celebrated but also the beginning. When we begin a quest, we are taking a risk, opening ourselves up to discovery and leaving behind the fear that keeps our lives stagnant and our hearts still. C.L. Harmon
There will be those who question your intelligence. And those who second guess your choices. And even those who believe they are above you. But what they think goes no further than their own mind. Their thoughts hold no more power than yours. And if your thoughts are focused on you as much as theirs are directed towards you, then you have already proven them wrong. C.L. Harmon