Quote of the Day

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Our strengths define us because they are born out of weakness. It is the struggle to overcome where we find integrity. It’s what’s difficult and tempting that force us to fight against what we know is wrong. It is in our broken and fragile states where we are too weak to fight that we learn to forgive. And it is in our desperation that we to opt to persevere and not perish. Every weakness we have is simply a future strength we have yet to cultivate.

C.L. Harmon

If you enjoy these perspectives, please check out my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”.

Chopping Down The Tree of Knowledge https://www.amazon.com/dp/1700394843/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_J97CXMFNBK6TAFRMN155

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