Loneliness is nature’s way of telling us there is something missing in our lives. Happiness is nature’s way of telling us we found it. Contentment is nature’s way of telling us to keep it. ~C.L. Harmon
The art of peace is practice, patience and humility. Without all of these elements, attaining peace is virtually impossible. We must practice to grant peace to others. Be patient with those whom we practice and humble ourselves to the concept that peace is a greater outcome than any idea we conceive. ~C.L. Harmon
It is said that those who control information control the world. This, however, is only a half truth. What is not said is that those who question information and act upon falsehoods cannot be controlled. ~C.L. Harmon
There are three Trinitys in this world. The first is divine and consists of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The second is human and consists of love, empathy, and forgiveness. And the final one is self which consists of enlightenment, self-worth and knowledge. Once we recognize these and apply them to our lives, the answers we seek, the ones so elusive, will find their way to us. ~C.L. Harmon
We are tied to our memories, good or bad, they are a part of our souls. The key to keeping them from controlling our actions is remembering that the bad ones were lessons in life and the good ones were made possible as a result of learning those bad lessons. ~C.L. Harmon
The only time someone will act the way you wish they would, is when acting the way you wish is their choice. ~C.L. Harmon
Being a certain way and acting a certain way are not synonymous. The first is a result from experiences and growth. The second is a choice resulting from your understanding of experiences and your willingness to accept or deny growth. ~C.L. Harmon
If you want to see the world, open your eyes. If you want to visualize the world, close your eyes. If you want to change the world, look no further than inside yourself. ~C.L. Harmon
Perspective is a main building blocks of life. It’s the only way to create a world where everyone can find their own niche. ~C.L. Harmon
Vulnerability is like being stranded in shark-infested waters. And though there are boats nearby, you fear that all the sharks want only to attack you and none of the boats see you. In reality, it’s likely the opposite. If you give into fear though, the sharks already have you. But if you hang on to hope, all you see are the boats. ~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon We are surrounded by mystery and awe. It is in all creation. But for all of creation’s magnificence, it does not beg us for attention. It does not need us, and it knows it. There is so much beauty and brilliance to be seized upon by our senses and yet we miss so much. Though science reveals many of the mysteries, it only provides us with even more puzzles we never even thought existed and awes us at what we do discover. From the simplest to the most complex creations, there are enigmas which are truly remarkable. But…
When you find mystery, follow it. When you capture desire, live it. When you discover passion, chase it. When you taste the sweet, savor it. But when you find your true self, give yourself away so that others can experience all the above. ~C.L. Harmon
We rise with the sun, fall with the rain, move with the wind and seek in the fog. We are the seasons of loneliness and happiness together and alone. And with all that we are and do, we may still fall out of rhythm, but not so far that the seasons cannot bring us back into harmony with our nature. ~C.L. Harmon
We see beauty in art and sunsets because they touch us emotionally where we rarely dwell. They stir something inside us that we experience all too infrequently. Each time we open up to others, we build a bridge from that hidden away area to them. And yes, some will burn that bridge, but know that having built that bridge, changes you into that same beauty which stirs something into others. ~C.L. Harmon
Being delivered from most situations is often painful because it is a form of salvation which always comes at a cost to someone. Sometimes it will be a price you suffer and other times a payment from those whom you are delivered. But if that delivery brings peace to that situation, then its value will always outweigh the cost. ~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon In 1796 at the end of his second term, first President of the United States, George Washington had two major concerns. The first was that if he were to seek a third term and then died in office, it would be construed that the presidency was a lifetime position. The second was that the two political parties which had emerged during his presidency and to his dismay, Republicans and Democrats, would tear the nation apart through division of the people. In fact, he declared that, “The very idea of the power and the right of the people to…
When you are a vessel of kindness to others, you are in harmony with all things which move in creation. When we become bitter and remain resentful, we cease to move in any direction. Nature no longer recognizes us as it is blind to what is still. Nature only knows to move and seek out motion and what it fails to see it leaves behind.~C.L. Harmon
The hour you realize your life must change, you have escaped from the cell. The moment you realize what you no longer want, you have scaled the wall. The second you know exactly what you want is the second you become free. ~C.L. Harmon
If being right is more important to you than doing what is right, then, in actuality, being wrong is obviously more important to you than everything you do. ~C.L. Harmon
There are always risks and at times you will be taken advantage of. But the advantage of being at risk, is that you are always open to those who are willing to take a risk on you.~C.L. Harmon