Sometimes we have to disassemble parts of our lives even though we don’t see anything amiss. What we don’t realize is that something inside is failing and its eventual failure will make it forever inoperable. Other times we learn that what is broken in life doesn’t always mean mending is needed. What we don’t realize is that some things are never going to work again regardless of effort or cost.The rest of the time we believe everything is going to work out because we were led to reassemble what we need to keep and to toss out what we no…
Today, do something for your soul. Do not let it be ignored because thoughts of worry become all too consuming or because matters of the heart become the focus of every beat. Talk to it, let it breathe, allow it to fall in love with the best parts age has allowed of you. It will remind you that thoughts wander becoming lost to infinity, that the heart will cease to one day beat, but that it will always be inside listening, loving and waiting to walk with you home. C.L. Harmon
MindsetLife begins to make sense when you begin sorting the pieces. We must first understand that each piece has purpose and is purposefully designed differently. As we sort, we begin to understand that seeking the corner pieces first and the border pieces second is how we get a picture of what we are building. And then we begin filling in the vast empty space between those borders. As we sort in the beginning, we begin looking for that piece which is us. Eventually we may learn that we are not a corner piece or even a border piece, but our…
The Gray Between Good & Evil Mindset No one wants to be called evil. It’s much easier to accept being called less than righteous. The problem with that is sin does not distinguish itself in degrees and that means we have no gauge to determine where evil begins and righteousness ends.C.L. Harmon
We cannot fathom the power which resides inside us. The complexities of how our creation came into being are beyond human comprehension. We possess emotions and desires that cannot be measured or defined and have been placed in an existence so vast, its creation cannot be explained. We feel, breathe, laugh, cry, and think without any knowledge of how such actions were originated inside bodies which decay into dust. And all of these miraculous happenings have been created for one purpose, to love. When we accept this, we will finally understand that the miracle is not how we exist, but…
Today, do something for your soul. Do not let it be ignored because thoughts of worry become all too consuming or because matters of the heart become the focus of every beat. Talk to it, let it breathe, allow it to fall in love with the best parts age has allowed of you. It will remind you that thoughts wander becoming lost to infinity, that the heart will cease to one day beat, but that it will always be inside listening, loving and waiting to walk with you home.C.L. Harmon
If the truth you know comes from a liar, then those lies become your truth. And when that false truth falters and the real truth presents itself, there will be no lie elaborate enough to conceal it and no liar cunning enough to hide from it.C.L. Harmon
I have not seen a world where forgiveness did not make it better. I have not heard a sincere apology that did not stir something in a soul. I have not been exposed to a truth where something was not set free. I have not felt a pain that I did not learn from. I have not been in the presence of love and not felt something greater than myself. And I have not been witness to a great sacrifice and it not move something inside of me. And in each of these experiences, I have learned that not one…
MindsetI can hope for you, but it is you who must provide a reason to hope. I can pray for evil to stay at bay, but it is you who will decide the distance. I can reach a hand into the depths, but it is you who must take hold. I can forgive you, but it is you who must accept it. I can offer you a lantern, but it is you who must overcome the darkness. I can offer you a key, but it is you who must desire freedom. But it is not I, but you, who must…
If you choose to let the depth someone drags you be deeper than your will to rise above that depth, that is a clear indicator of the shallowness of your conviction to rise up when someone is helping pull you up. C.L. Harmon
MindsetIf you want to know what real power is, make a decision. No other action on earth can so easily destroy or benefit the lives of others.C.L. Harmon
A problem becomes more problems when:We assume others do not have them.We assume ours are worse than others.We fail to help others from making them.We choose to not help others with theirs because they are not ours.We accept they cannot be solved.And when we choose to become a new problem instead of becoming the solution to an existing one.We may not be the solution to all problems, but we can always be a solution to someone’s. And sometimes, just one less problem is exactly the solution someone else needs.CL. Harmon
Mindset Sometimes you’re going to lose the rhythm. Sometimes the notes are not going to make any sense and it’s going to sound more like noise than anything melodic. There will be times when you have no partner and other times when the beat fades away. But dance anyway because to the composer of life’s music, your dance is everything. C.L. Harmon
Mindset We miss being young because youth is an adventure. It is an opportunity be everything without knowing anything. It is a moment in eternity where ignorance is our best friend and we are unaware it is even our friend. It is to live life before life lives us and to age before we are aged. But above all, it is the absence of wisdom, experience, and knowledge, which all teach us that without gaining these, we would never understand the true gift that is youth.C.L. Harmon
I have not seen a world where forgiveness did not make it better. I have not heard a sincere apology that did not stir something in a soul. I have not been exposed to a truth where something was not set free. I have not felt a pain that I did not learn from. I have not been in the presence of love and not felt something greater than myself. And I have not been witness to a great sacrifice and it not move something inside of me. And in each of these experiences, I have learned that not one…
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat…
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat…
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat…
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat…
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat…