Tag Archives: Book

Hello Loyal Readers

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As many of you might have noticed, I have not posted any new Mindsets lately. I apologize for this, but I have a good reason! I have been working on a book and it is nearing completion. I am currently in the editing process and having the cover art designed. This book is not a collection of Mindsets like my first book, In the Midst of Reality, but one that is of a personal nature which explains the usage of our belief systems and how they often fail us. Once the book is published, I will post a link on this blog where you may purchase one if you are interested. Below, I am posting the Forward and Introduction to the book so that you may get an idea as to the content of the book.



God owns a school. It’s a private school called the Learning Institute For Everyone but most just use its acronym, LIFE. This school is much like any other elementary school with its classrooms, teachers, administrators, cafeteria and playground. Each class has assignments to do and subjects to study with teachers imparting their knowledge to the students. These teachers are insightful and caring, sharing lessons that will be vital for these students as they progress into other levels of education and life. This knowledge becomes the building blocks in which these children will use to construct a life that offers them happiness and rewards.

The owner and chief administrator, God, puts all of these teachers in place to teach the students what they must know but then offers this very odd appointment and gives the devil the recess period. The devil becomes master of the playground; the one fun place where everyone wants to go. He doesn’t explain Himself to the staff as to why He would place the devil in that position other than to tell them to trust Him.

It does not take long for the children to become fixated on the recess period and allow their thoughts to be diverted from regular studies during class periods as they daydream about the fun they will have on the playground. But the devil not only offers fun and games to the children, but also begins influencing the children as to all the fun that could be had if they skipped a period or two now and then. The children unaware of the potential harm, listen to the devil and slowly as time passes, they are convinced to stop showing up at all for class. The devil repeats this action with every child who will listen to him.

Those children are now being left out of the studies which provide the tools necessary for a successful future that should come after graduation. No one forced them to leave class in the first place or has forced them to return. God, as principal, spoke with each child and explained the importance of returning to school and that the education should be taken advantage of, but in the end, He allowed them to make the choice reminding them of the importance of a good education. He allows them the choice because He knows whatever their choice, will also be their consequence.

School is now in session. Are you listening?


This book began writing itself a few months before I turned 19 years of age. I am now almost 51 and have finally decided it’s time to put the words that are scattered across my mind onto paper. To some, this book is an apology. To others, it is a gesture of gratitude. And when it’s completed, it will be an explanation to myself. This book is somewhere inside me, thousands of words jumbled into forgotten closets in my mind waiting to be transcribed from my memories and experiences. This work is not about finding happiness or reaching goals, but about understanding why we find ourselves in situations that seem so far away from where set out to go. In part, it’s also about finding acceptance in the fact that we are created by a God who seemingly does not want us to understand Him. It’s a journey into the building of and the collapsing of belief systems. It’s a reflection of everything that we have been taught and told which then becomes the foundation for our choices and decisions. This is a journey for me that I am asking you to take with me and hopefully find insight into your own lives by understanding my failing belief system and the construction of the new one I am building. This is a work about failure and what it is to fail. This is a story about losing over and over again until winning seems a distant impossible dream. This work is about hope and the loss of it and the unfairness in this life. It’s a book about me, about you, about us all.