Tag Archives: Past

Mindset: Only Time Will Tell

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Life has a way of leading us on journeys that we don’t understand and which seem to us to serve no useful purpose in our lives at the time…and often, it seems we would be right. But if we consider the importance of this very moment based upon what it has taken for us get here, then we can begin to understand why such moments occur.

What we take from today’s situations is not necessarily intended for use now but for a future moment when it will become beneficial to us. Most of us live in the moment because it is real to us and we feel we have some control over what is substantial, as opposed to the future which is uncertain and offers little, if any, control.

But those future moments are as important to our Creator as the present ones are to us, and so He prepares us for them. Even though we will react when the times come, we wouldn’t have had the right tools to make good choices had it not been for that earlier moment, which made so little sense to us at the time.

This life is but a timeline, a clock that coordinates past, present and future events into an all-encompassing life of purpose which transcends the here and now. All things happen for a reason. As to their meanings in a particular moment, that it is something that will only come from following life’s path and then only in time.