Quote of the Day

It’s amazing that we remember with great clarity and fondness the moments in life which seemed so insignificant while they were happening. It’s as though nature is teaching that happiness is in the places we least expect to find it. ~C.L. Harmon

Quote of the Day

Freedom is a fragile thread that hangs in the balance every second we possess it. Politicians tug at it and extremist pull at it until it slowly frays and weakens. The thread of freedom must be left to sway in the direction of the people to whom it belongs and not...

Quote of the Day

A man’s character is not known by the words he speaks publicly or the secrets he keeps in his heart, but by the ones he speaks everyday when he believes no one hears him. ~C.L. Harmon


C.L. HarmonIn my office is a painting of the Founding Fathers praying. It’s a poignant scene of men who seem to be at an impasse over reaching a point of collective consciousness. And though it is the praying which is the theme of the art, it’s what I don’t see which...