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Month: February 2021

Quote of the Day

The only time someone will act the way you wish they would, is when acting the way you wish is their choice.

~C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

Being a certain way and acting a certain way are not synonymous. The first is a result from experiences and growth. The second is a choice resulting from your understanding of experiences and your willingness to accept or deny growth.

~C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

If you want to see the world, open your eyes. If you want to visualize the world, close your eyes. If you want to change the world, look no further than inside yourself.

~C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

Perspective is a main building blocks of life. It’s the only way to create a world where everyone can find their own niche.

~C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

Vulnerability is like being stranded in shark-infested waters. And though there are boats nearby, you fear that all the sharks want only to attack you and none of the boats see you. In reality, it’s likely the opposite. If you give into fear though, the sharks already have you. But if you hang on to hope, all you see are the boats.

~C.L. Harmon

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C.L. Harmon

We are surrounded by mystery and awe. It is in all creation. But for all of creation’s magnificence, it does not beg us for attention. It does not need us, and it knows it. There is so much beauty and brilliance to be seized upon by our senses and yet we miss so much. Though science reveals many of the mysteries, it only provides us with even more puzzles we never even thought existed and awes us at what we do discover.

From the simplest to the most complex creations, there are enigmas which are truly remarkable. But when we fail to acknowledge them, we deny ourselves everything that makes them so incredible. What we fail to experience never becomes a part of us. We do not see a Creator if we do not see the details in creation. They simply become phenomena with no reason and little meaning.

Creation is meant to enlighten us on a different level than education and talent. It is a direct connection to our very being which gives us an understanding we otherwise would not acquire. Knowledge is learned but enlightenment is a metamorphosis of the senses into consciousness. If we just take moments to experience what is around us, we will awaken to not just one world, but to countless ones that invite us into an existence beyond our imagination.

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Quote of the Day

When you find mystery, follow it. When you capture desire, live it. When you discover passion, chase it. When you taste the sweet, savor it. But when you find your true self, give yourself away so that others can experience all the above.

~C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

We rise with the sun, fall with the rain, move with the wind and seek in the fog. We are the seasons of loneliness and happiness together and alone. And with all that we are and do, we may still fall out of rhythm, but not so far that the seasons cannot bring us back into harmony with our nature.

~C.L. Harmon

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Quote of the Day

We see beauty in art and sunsets because they touch us emotionally where we rarely dwell. They stir something inside us that we experience all too infrequently. Each time we open up to others, we build a bridge from that hidden away area to them. And yes, some will burn that bridge, but know that having built that bridge, changes you into that same beauty which stirs something into others.

~C.L. Harmon

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