Monthly Archives: November 2021

The Silence and the Wolf

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Our voices must be louder than the wolves in the wilderness. The wolves do not fear the sheep, but the cunning and intelligence of the shepherd. It only takes one wolf to be a danger to the flock. But it only takes one voice to strike hesitancy in the wolf as well. Silence is often an invitation to evil, whereas a voice from the wilderness is the protection which keeps it at bay.

C.L. Harmon



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We all have a responsibility to each other to be righteous. In different capacities we are one another’s judges, juries, counsel and caregivers. If we do not practice righteousness, then those we are responsible will always be on the short side of fairness and justice. And with no example from us, the same lack of practice will find us when we are in the care of others.

C.L. Harmon



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Sometimes it takes everything you have just to make it through the day. But remember at the end of that day you had just enough to make it all the way through. And that’s all the proof you need to know that tomorrow will never be able to take more than you have to give.

C.L. Harmon


A Piece of the Puzzle

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If the thought ever crosses your mind that your self worth is such that you have no value, consider the idea that you are a piece in a puzzle so large that only God can see it. And in that great expanse, the small seemingly insignificant piece you see yourself as is the perfectly designed piece which connects all the other ones together 

C.L. Harmon


The Value of Worth

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Doing what is right costs. It costs something we value; something which hurts to lose. As such, it becomes easier to hold onto what we give worth,  than to let it go and invest in the greater good. And within the good that is lost is the cost we pay for placing more value on ourselves than on others. Holding onto to more in hopes of losing less only has true worth if others see that value. And no one places worth on selfishness and arrogance because they gain nothing from it. They value what is gained more by others’ humility and sacrifice.

C.L. Harmon


The Smallest of Impacts

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You will never know how much you affect someone’s life. Because knowing how much is not as important as believing that even the smallest of impacts is enough to change the world for them.

C.L. Harmon


In Good Graces

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Faith is not sitting at home penniless and hungry believing the Lord will provide for you. Faith is the action of putting on your coat and walking out into the world with the certainty that you will not go to bed that night hungry. Grace, however, is the absence of action from you given freely and without condition. One is a gift you receive; the other is one you give. Faith is simply grace returned. It’s an action by you given freely to those who have enough faith in you to offer you grace.

C.L. Harmon