Choosing Wisely

Multitudes may ask for wealth, many will ask for strength, some will even ask for knowledge and maybe a few might ask for wisdom. But I shall ask for faith, for it is the only request that shows I believe only God knows what I truly need to be fulfilled. ~C.L....

Where The Beauty Lies

Sand under a microscope are tiny works of art with different shapes, sizes and colors. But that is not what we see when we walk on it. If we could see that beauty with the naked eye, we would probably walk on it more carefully and even stop to admire the magnificence...

A Burden To Own

Never let someone else’s burden become your priority.  What they hold onto is given to them for a purpose and is theirs to let go in the appropriate time. Empathy does not equate to responsibility of ownership. It does, however, require acknowledgment that...

Today Is Everything

For some, today will be a destination. But for others it’s only a leg of their journey. It is imperative that we understand and accept this. We all wish to accomplish and move forward. But today is purposeful and requires our attention more than what is to come. There...

The Way Out

You may be on the verge of a breakdown or swimming in a misery that seems all consuming. But know that it is in the midst of such hardships that the most moving forms of art ever created, the greatest discoveries of self and the breakthroughs which changed the world...