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Tag: Life

Mindset: Letting Go Of The Ghost

We lose parts of ourselves while traveling through this life. It’s probably one of the saddest realities that we must accept and certainly one for which we mourn the rest of our lives. These lost parts haunt us as a ghost who wishes to close the separation between us and what we’ve lost. But there is no unification, only the acceptance that our loss has forced us to become someone different and new.

Losing parts of ourselves, in essence, is the slow death of who we once were. Each new day we shed a bit of who we were to make room for who we are becoming. Our new experiences fill that void offering a new opportunity to be reborn and live with new perspectives. Each day new victories, losses and life experiences fill those voids and we slowly begin to live as a new people. It is because we are in a constant state of decay and regeneration that we are able to realize that growing and changing are the true miracles of life.

What we lose is never a complete end as remnants remain in our soul. Still, its overall absence pushes us into a new beginning of comprehension.  In order for us to ever live life as it was intended and understand our purpose within creation, we must experience loss. It moves us into new directions of opportunity that enlighten us and affords us a new beginning which proves we are greater than all the losses taken from us combined.


Mindset: Don’t Be Defined By A Definition

Success is not about big goals that one accomplishes which are planned for years. It’s about getting out of bed in the morning when the only thing you want to do is sleep and hide from the world. It’s about rising up and putting your feet on the floor when yielding to a feeling of failure seems normal. It’s about forcing a laugh when crying feels more natural. It’s about living through each day when death seems the only way to peace. This is success!

Success is a relative term but most will agree that it is defined as the accomplishment of something, an achievement even. In other words, it’s something that is gained. To some this is all it will ever be. But to others, it is not about the gain, but about battling the losses and continuing the fight. Their success is not defined by moving forward, but by not falling backward.  It’s a different world for those who give all just to maintain than it is for those who push forward with ease.

Success cannot be defined with one global meaning because individual meanings should only be defined by the particular obstacles each one of us must endure. There are as many worlds to live in as there are people on the planet. Each of us must overcome the obstacles in our own existence and each of must choose what we deem as a success based on those difficulties. Our happiness depends not on the obstacles in our lives but in the fact that we don’t allow them to keep us from us challenging them. Success should not be a definition for all to agree but a new cause each of us redefine every day.

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Mindset: One Moment Ago

We live in a yield sign world where everyone and everything slows down but nothing seems to ever come to a complete stop. Life rushes by because we experience the world around us moving at ever-increasing speeds and if we are to keep up then we must flow with the rhythm of this world’s chaotic momentum.

However, we need to understand that the world only spins as quickly as each of us allow. We need to realize that it should not push us but instead be pushed by us as individuals in control of our lives. When our actions are done hurriedly and in haste then the very essence of those acts get lost in our attempt to keep moving forward.

Happiness has always been found within the small things of life. The moments we cherish are the few we actually take the time to explore and feel; the ones we carry with us and that save us when our world is in chaos and drifting off course in this vast universe. Every moment that we stop for and then savor is our natural reminder that the beauty of life is not in the expeditious manner in which we live it but in the leisurely way we experience it. 

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What Lies Within

A sculptor looks at a piece of granite or stone with either a belief that there is a work of art within that stone that he will uncover. Or he looks at it with the belief that he will create a work of art from where there was none before.Although the creation may be the same in appearance as each artisan finishes toiling with the stone, the sculptures are very different to the sculptors. The artisan who uncovers what is hidden learns that he can see beyond what is on the surface.

He can chisel each sliver of stone to discover that beauty and creation are all around us if we choose to remove those layers which obscure them. He begins to understand that all things have depth and if we do not seek to uncover what lies beneath then we lose what has been hidden for us to find.

The artisan who creates from within to bring about something new understands that the origins of creations are mysteries locked up inside of us. He learns that the surface of the stone is an opportunity to carve, chip and then breathe life into a new creation.

But it is the artisans themselves who learn above all that they are simply a stone for another Creator. One who has hidden beauty and mystery within them awaiting discovery. Through our visions, toils, and patience, we all create and unearth the mysteries in our daily lives only to realize we were always the greatest works of art in the universe.

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Mindset: Master & Slave

We are an extension of everything we do. Our actions are a reflection of who we are in that moment and who we will become for the rest of our lives. A slave to evil or a warrior of the righteous is never very far from their master.

If we represent or act for those who prey on the weak or innocent through our words and actions, then we too are guilty of harboring darkness in our hearts and adding hatred and injury into the world.

There will always be those who serve themselves first and they do so by their own accord. But their ideas of greed, destruction, and hatred only become ours by choice. By serving them, we not only lose pride and self-respect but we lose the part of ourselves that makes us invaluable, our identity.