Tag Archives: Reason

What Matters Are The Particles Of Matter: Mindset

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Words,music notes, brush strokes and elements come together to form beauty, art andvision. Mysterious particles of matter and thought swirling about a vastnessbeyond comprehension and yet they group to form a discernible pattern of beautyand purpose. Do we draw reason or coincidence from such an awesomecollaboration? Could it be that each particle has purpose; a destiny it mustfind in a sentence, stroke of color, or chemical compound? Are they asmagnetized molecules drawn to one another? Or are they simply lost looking tofind a home in a creation larger than itself which then creates something weexperience as beauty?

How do we know? Which do we choose to believe? Does not thisvery question determine how we choose to live, how we believe as we travelthrough this life? Every choice we make is rooted in the answer we offerourselves. Is it logic or faith which guides us? Is it a combination of thetwo? If so, which is dominant? Does either offer explanations that we feel safe to bet our life’s outcomes on? Are we individual grain of sands combining to form the intensity in a dust storm?

Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in the middle or even beyond our scope of understanding entirely. I believe it’s not about the manner in which beauty materializes but the proof that it does which we should focus. We should follow the particles because they appeal to us in a way that brings about fulfillment. They are not an offer of anything else other than they are real to us. To expect a particle of matter to obey our commands or to lead our lives to where we wish them to go is to save the night in a jar, but to embrace that night is to own it. What is created, whether in our control or not, is simply the proof that we mattered at one time and place in a vast creation simply because we accepted the opportunity to follow a few particles of matter and witness what they made for us.


Be The Key To Unlock The Universe Within: Mindset

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When we live without reason we exist without freedom. Chaos captures us when what is on the outside influences us more than what is on the inside.
It seems probable that we are programmed to some degree during our creation. Little adjustments or additions that make some right-handed while others are left or allows for one person to be shy why others seem naturally comfortable around people or an adjustment that even makes some more creative while leaving others with little talent for the arts at all.

Based upon this belief, it would seem likely that other additions or adjustments were made at the same time. Perhaps a conscience or some moral code that is woven within the fiber of our being to help us along as we make our choices in life. When we distance ourselves from that internal set of rules and sense of what is right and begin living without the benefit of those rules, chaos begins to track and then imprison us.

Words that are corrupt, actions that cause turmoil and desires that destroy are done without the benefit of reason and thus bring chaos to peace, captivity to those free. These words and actions limit us thus imprisoning us within their consequences. They lock us into a dark existence away from joy, compassion and, enlightenment.Reason is the fundamental key to understanding each other and each time we use it, we unlock a bit of humanity within ourselves allowing the universe to grow exponentially, expanding our realm in which to experience even more freedom.