
C.L. Harmon When your moral conscience becomes easily corruptible, every direction you should go closes off. Not because God or nature block them from you, but because you choose to longer to see them. As such, those avenues are no longer available to you. A person...


C.L. Harmon The world has become a place where many think as though they can say anything they like whenever they feel the desire. Like most things in life, too much of anything is not good. Words, when chosen wisely and in an opportune moment, can carry great power...

Quote of the Day

The truest example of faith is to create something you love and then have the humility to offer that same creation the choice to reciprocate that love. ~C.L. Harmon

Quote of the Day

If you do not think for yourselves, others will think for you. If they do so, they will always limit your possibilities to further their own. If you, however, think for yourselves, then no one can ever limit what you can accomplish.~C.L. Harmon