Monthly Archives: November 2020


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C.L. Harmon

When your moral conscience becomes easily corruptible, every direction you should go closes off. Not because God or nature block them from you, but because you choose to longer to see them. As such, those avenues are no longer available to you. A person cannot bask in the sunlight and star gaze at the same moment. Each time we are immoral and deceptive, we are further removed from other roads that can and do hold invaluable treasures.

Having a conscience is not an accident. It’s a set of instructions to keep us moving in the directions which will bring us the greatest joy. But that joy we seek is not easily attainable. If it were, then it’s value would diminish. As such, we venture into what is easy and often unscrupulous to feel what we are too impatient or lazy to work towards. In essence, we walk away from what we could have to run towards something that will never satisfy us.

We settle for less because more is difficult. And with each step we take, we separate ourselves from what our Creator wants for us. We must all realize that a moral path and a deceitful path never cross. Walking one will never get us to the other one. As such, every step on the wrong road adds another step to our journey back to the right one. Each step must be taken back down that road to its beginning in order to see the right road. All we do by choosing what is easy and corrupt is use valuable and irreplaceable time and energy chasing what will never bring us what we desire most. There is only one path which will bring us the desires of our hearts. And it’s the long and difficult road of patience and morality. It is the one which is carved out for us to choose because it is the only one that holds what we truly desire.



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C.L. Harmon

The world has become a place where many think as though they can say anything they like whenever they feel the desire. Like most things in life, too much of anything is not good. Words, when chosen wisely and in an opportune moment, can carry great power and weight. Not every thought though deserves to be vocalized nor every utterance heeded.

Silence truly is golden and can be equally powerful to well chosen words. We live in an age of communication where no one listens to anyone anymore. When others speak, we hear rhetoric and not insight. We do not talk to each other, but at one another. Things do not change and prosperity does not come when we do this. Compromise will never be achieved if everyone speaks and no one listens. And without compromise, there are no fair and just outcomes.

Just because we have platforms to speak does not mean we should yell from them. Great accomplishments are achieved not because we speak often, but because we listen often. The fact thoughts are private is proof our Creator wants us to choose our words wisely and the moments when those words should be spoken. Words were not created to fill empty spaces, but to enlighten empty minds, silence is our opportunity to learn when we are in the presence of empty minds.


Quote of the Day

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The truest example of faith is to create something you love and then have the humility to offer that same creation the choice to reciprocate that love.

~C.L. Harmon


Quote of the Day

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If you do not think for yourselves, others will think for you. If they do so, they will always limit your possibilities to further their own. If you, however, think for yourselves, then no one can ever limit what you can accomplish.
~C.L. Harmon