Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

When you build from the ashes, you are building on sacred ground, ground that has held structures and witnessed them razed. It is hallowed for its loss and yet praised for its purpose. But it cares not for what was there, but only that you choose to build on it again. Whatever your loss, remember that beneath the ashes of old is the foundation for everything new you wish to build. ~C.L. Harmon
Of all the evil by man that has been brought upon this earth, None of it has taken deep root and all of it has withered on the vine. And though evil still remains as there is always a new breed, the original good in the beginning consisting of hope, kindness, compassion and love has endured, defeated and outlasted every evil man has devised.~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon The world is changing. Many Americans do not realize how far the world has changed since they were born. They do not know because they either have not experienced a world different than the one which exists today. Or they have been sold rhetoric which claims there is an easier way to live and achieve their desires. Because of these, the United States of America is at war with itself. There is division unlike anything since the Civil War. There is hatred and violence on a large scale among citizens that is unprecedented in this country’s history. And…
Hey Friends,Uniquelahoma is adding reader submitted photos to our magazine. As such, we need your help with photos. We are wanting to post your photos of things you find to be interesting and unique in Oklahoma. We will give you photo credit along with our gratitude! Please submit your photos [email protected] you!CL
People will remember you not as you see yourself, but as a collection of your qualities and deeds which they found either endearing or abhorrent. ~C.L. Harmon
If you look at the world and see no beauty, then your heart is blind. If the world sees your heart and finds no beauty, then the world is blind to the nature of the heart. ~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon The concept of “Divide & Conquer is attributed to Roman dictator Julius Cesar who used it to great effect during his conquest of Gaul. Simply stated, this method is used to turn one people against themselves so they cannot assemble to fend off those wishing to conquer them. Does this not seem to be the situation in America today? Are we not inundated daily with issues and lies that keep us from uniting and living as one? The only reasonable conclusion as to the division currently in this country is that someone wants to conquer a way of…
Value is what we place on ideals and objects that have significance. Ironically, value is also what is lost when we place it on ideals and objects that are insignificant. ~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon What Makes Us? What makes us? Is it our chemical makeup, our cells and molecular processes that give us identity? What about our choices and experiences? Are we a product of them or are they our identity? Our likes and dislikes, where do they originate and are they choices or something ingrained in us that we have little or no control over? Are we a perfect design completely programmed from the factory or a self-driven result created from a blank slate to fill with failures and triumphs? Maybe it’s as simple as we are a part of everything…
Reason brings compromise, fairness and justice. Violence is brought about because those who live by reason no longer wish to live without it. ~C.L. Harmon
While multitudes ask for wealth and many ask for strength, some will ask for knowledge and even a few may ask for wisdom. But I shall ask for faith, for it is the only request that shows I believe only God knows what I truly need to be fulfilled.~C.L. Harmon
Chaos is the offspring of corruption!C.L. Harmon
I don’t believe God tests our faith so much as I believe He places us in situations where we must rely on it.~C.L. Harmon
It’s amazing that we remember with great clarity and fondness the moments in life which seemed so insignificant while they were happening. It’s as though nature is teaching that happiness is in the places we least expect to find it. ~C.L. Harmon
Freedom is a fragile thread that hangs in the balance every second we possess it. Politicians tug at it and extremist pull at it until it slowly frays and weakens. The thread of freedom must be left to sway in the direction of the people to whom it belongs and not held by those who wish to control the amount of freedoms we possess.~C.L. Harmon
A man’s character is not known by the words he speaks publicly or the secrets he keeps in his heart, but by the ones he speaks everyday when he believes no one hears him. ~C.L. Harmon
C.L. HarmonIn my office is a painting of the Founding Fathers praying. It’s a poignant scene of men who seem to be at an impasse over reaching a point of collective consciousness. And though it is the praying which is the theme of the art, it’s what I don’t see which impacts me most. I don’t see men yelling and fighting and storming out in anger. I don’t see hatred and a willingness to ignore other’s ideas. I don’t see men eager to turn from God. What I do see is imperfect men who are willing to set aside what…
C.L. Harmon For many years the legendary journalist and news anchor Walter Cronkite closed his broadcasts with the phrase. “That’s the way it is”. And he was right, that’s the way it was…THEN…and it wasn’t bad. It was a time like no other in history. Back THEN news wasn’t bought and paid for by the wealthy, it was the truth for better or worse. Back THEN the government still understood that it is of the people and not master of them. It was a time when a person could let their kids ride in a truck bed, anyone could walk…
Of all the people I have known throughout my life, the greatest among them have served a loving and merciful God…regardless of what name they called him.~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon When your moral conscience becomes easily corruptible, every direction you should go closes off. Not because God or nature block them from you, but because you choose to longer to see them. As such, those avenues are no longer available to you. A person cannot bask in the sunlight and star gaze at the same moment. Each time we are immoral and deceptive, we are further removed from other roads that can and do hold invaluable treasures. Having a conscience is not an accident. It’s a set of instructions to keep us moving in the directions which will…
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