Tag Archives: light

Seeking The Darkness Within The Light: Mindset

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For most, life is about the pulling the light from the darkness, but for others it’s about seeking the darkness within the light. We associate what is bleak or twisted within the wreckage of tragedy and chaos as the destructive forces which pull us away from the shining rays of comfort and safety. We few, however, know this and still make choices to gravitate toward it. In some respects we never escape the darkness regardless of how much light is present. What is the darkness? Who is the darkness? Why are we drawn to it?

Is the definition of such a concept as simple as black and white? Does it not provide cover from enemies in conflict? Does it not bring relief from a blistering sun? Does it not have a mystique and beauty to be appreciated? As with any creation, it has an allure that beckons to certain individuals who can feel its prowess and energy.  For those few, there is a desire to pull reasoning and purpose from what is hidden, what is lost.  It is as a seed planted in the soul which desires the dark to the light, drought to the rain, chill to the warmth in order to grow.

Seeking direction in the darkness is not insanity, but faith. To know such knowledge is the doorway between complexity and simplicity. It is to turn pain into creation, devastation into new ideas. As charm and elegance is found within the light, depth and mystery is within the dark.  Those who are drawn to it are the ones with the courage to discover that life is never lost within itself or within the wreckage which litters our existence. They are the ones who discover that inspiration resides in the corridors of life that most fear to tread.


Mindset: Blessings In Wolves’ Clothing

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The truth is that there have been moments in my life when I have loved being depressed. I loved it with a passion that I will never be able to explain to anyone who has never known madness. It’s power, freedom clarity and safety beyond understanding. It is a blessing lost within a curse that dies in a hot breath and is reborn in a simple sigh. It’s life through a pouring rain of hot bullets and gentle cool drops.

Found means nothing without the experience of being lost. We only find what we all truly seek in the chaos that leads us through darkness. Reason emerges because of that chaos which we need to find for explanation and purpose. Once found, it can be accepted, understood and used. Misery and joy are both guides in this life. Each takes us to destinations which give us both power and vulnerability. They are not good or evil, but life tools.

Your chaos will come. It always comes. But when it does, realize it as the blessing within the curse that it is. Suffer from it what you can to extract the enlightenment which is at its core. It is your purposeful journey to reason; your cost for recognizing happiness. Allow it to strengthen, teach and become a part of you which you can then control. True happiness is forged in the dark. Without it, joy is simply a myth we chase never seeing that it is not that it doesn’t exist, but that we simply don’t know it when it comes to light.