
Mindset: Patterns Are Us

C.L. Harmon There have always been patterns in life that most never give a second thought. For those who do, they only see enough to know there are such patters and not the reasoning behind them. We even classify these patterns in terms such as love languages, personality types, body…

Happiness Is A Journey

C.L. Harmon Happiness is not a choice but a journey. We tend to believe that choices dictate the outcomes of our lives. This is only true to a point. Certainly, there is the cause and effect. But this is only a teacher to help us along as we travel on…

Mindset: Exit The Madness

The heart does not lie, judge or justify action. It only asks for that which it desires and then leads us to those yearnings without fear and apprehension while offering us no control over where it chooses to lead. It is our minds which must follow our hearts and our…

The Lost Forgotten

Nothing has ever been destroyed by peace, lost through understanding, burdened by compassion or stolen through honesty. These are lessons that have slipped from the human conscience as we have grown older and grown apart. We have become a people that has forgotten to raise our nations in simplicity, thus…

Mindset: Building Bridges

Why is it that we fear those who seem foreign to us? What is it about us that allows our differences to bridge distances between us when that very bridge could be keeping us from reaching that which we need the most? Overt actions of contempt or the intentional act…

Mindset: Nice To Meet You

At times being ourselves can be the most difficult task in our lives. Because of prejudice, fear, lack of self-confidence or a desire for acceptance, we often conceal what is on the inside creating a persona that is safer or one we believe others will find more intriguing than our…

Mindset: Master & Slave

We are an extension of everything we do. Our actions are a reflection of who we are in that moment and who we will become for the rest of our lives. A slave to evil or a warrior of the righteous is never very far from their master. If we represent or…

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