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Mindset: The Purposeful Road

There seems to be little understanding as to the meaning of life and creation. And what is believed to be understood by some is never agreed upon by all. Yet we all seek knowledge, wisdom, and insight as to why we are here and to our purpose in life. We make choices and then worry about the outcome of those choices, believing them to be drawing us closer to our purpose and not further away.

But perhaps we put too much emphasis on what we believe to be our purpose instead of the faith needed to make choices which lead us to a purposeful life. Purpose does not belong to us, but to our Creator who has already made the choices necessary for us to fulfill the purpose He has given us.

However, it’s not His purpose which gives our lives meaning; for that, we ourselves must choose to live a life of purpose and consequence. Perhaps choosing to have faith and believe our purpose is a pre-existing road already built, will lead us to the insight to make choices which provide a life that is never meaningless and always purposeful.

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Mindset: Only Time Will Tell

Life has a way of leading us on journeys that we don’t understand and which seem to us to serve no useful purpose in our lives at the time…and often, it seems we would be right. But if we consider the importance of this very moment based upon what it has taken for us get here, then we can begin to understand why such moments occur.

What we take from today’s situations is not necessarily intended for use now but for a future moment when it will become beneficial to us. Most of us live in the moment because it is real to us and we feel we have some control over what is substantial, as opposed to the future which is uncertain and offers little, if any, control.

But those future moments are as important to our Creator as the present ones are to us, and so He prepares us for them. Even though we will react when the times come, we wouldn’t have had the right tools to make good choices had it not been for that earlier moment, which made so little sense to us at the time.

This life is but a timeline, a clock that coordinates past, present and future events into an all-encompassing life of purpose which transcends the here and now. All things happen for a reason. As to their meanings in a particular moment, that it is something that will only come from following life’s path and then only in time.

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 We suffer, we bleed, we follow, we lead, and through it all, we learn. We kill dreams and prolong pain to be swallowed up in darkness and yet still seek light when there is none. And through it all, we learn. We build what nature destroys while we destroy what nature creates in order to build and we hope to learn. We seek treasures in hopes of gaining value before we know how to define value and through it all, we hope to learn.

We borrow fear and then find courage. We stumble in darkness, proclaim blindness all the while refuse to see the light. And with hope maybe we can learn. We sacrifice nothing and expect something, sometimes everything and with hope maybe, just maybe we can still learn. We blame anyone so we do not have accept that we are the broken one. When will we learn? We break those around us as though their cracks somehow repair us. Do we ever learn? We study the past with presumptions that we already know. Yet we sin the same as those before us.  And still it seems we can only hope to learn.

We surrender to difficulties instead of overcoming challenges. We kill what is pure so that we recognize evil and then look away at what is the burning angst inside. We call lost home because it allows us to be selfish when home expects us to be giving. And yet with all that is known, we just never learn.


Mindset: You Were Chosen To Choose Wisely

Human beings have the capacity for incredible compassion and indescribable evil. Can one even fathom the amount of faith it must take to entrust such liberty with humanity? The very idea that a creation made out of love can destroy itself with hate or evil must show the incredible importance of love to the Creator.

To allow cruelty and injustice to prosper defines what the value of choice actually represents. The gift of choice does more than set a course for our lives; it represents the idea that what we choose as individuals matters most to the Creator. Obedience can be chosen or ordered, but love cannot be forced. It can only manifest through a conscious choice.

Our hearts beat because nature dictates them to do so. They provide compassion, forgiveness and understanding because we choose for them to. Freewill is not so much about us choosing paths in our lives, but about choosing the ideals and beliefs that clear paths to a greater understanding of the definition of love.

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Mindset: A Piece Of The Mind Is Not The Path To Peace

Imagine knowing every aspect of creativity and that of logic as well. Which of the two would you choose as to how you live? How do you know the right path if they both make sense to you but for different reasons? Knowing all aspects means that they are equal in the mind, heart, and soul. Wouldn’t absolute knowledge be a curse that leaves us immobile? How does one choose between two rights when we can only follow one with true conviction? Do we follow a creative path or a reasonable and logical one? When there is no wrong choice then there is no direction.

Because we are not given absolute knowledge, we are allowed a path to choose, a destiny that has meaning and fulfillment. Each of us is given talents and intellect because it takes both to survive. But we are not given them equally. One is always stronger than the other. One offers a fulfillment that the other does not. There will be a moment in life when we will have to choose. Although neither choice offers a guarantee of monetary success, the right one does guarantee a degree of happiness that the other does not. That feeling is known as exultation.

Purpose is linked to contentment. We are not in harmony when we choose a path for safety, security or false desires. We may find elements such as monetary gain, recognition or power when we do, but those are empty idols with no fulfilling properties. As such, we continue chasing more of what we already have to fill the continuing void. Harmony rests only in our natural inclination to follow what we feel in our hearts be it logic or creativity and not what makes sense in our minds. Either way we choose, our soul will follow even in the absence of harmony.  But that harmony is our map to where we are to go. The idea of happiness may be in the mind, but the reality of it lies within our choice to follow the path that was laid out for us before we were even born.

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Mindset: Is It Time To Clean The Attic?

When we make room for others in our lives, we fill up spaces in our souls that might otherwise become cluttered with the baggage that accumulates in our spiritual attic over time. Life is in constant motion from our first breath to our last and within that time comes the sum of all our actions.

We have no control over the rate in which time passes, but we do have dominion over how that time is spent. We can spend it creating baggage that we must store in the limited spaces that are available. Or we can use that time to share with others.

Time with others is not the creation of a burdensome load that clutters the chambers in our soul, but the expansion of a life that creates room to house the valuable relationships of love and friendship we acquire.

Happiness and misery are both results of time plus choices. When we choose baggage, we crowd ourselves into a small existence that revolves only around ourselves. However, when we share ourselves with others, we grow as large as we need to be to hold all the valuables our time allows us to discover.

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Mindset: Letting Go Of The Ghost

We lose parts of ourselves while traveling through this life. It’s probably one of the saddest realities that we must accept and certainly one for which we mourn the rest of our lives. These lost parts haunt us as a ghost who wishes to close the separation between us and what we’ve lost. But there is no unification, only the acceptance that our loss has forced us to become someone different and new.

Losing parts of ourselves, in essence, is the slow death of who we once were. Each new day we shed a bit of who we were to make room for who we are becoming. Our new experiences fill that void offering a new opportunity to be reborn and live with new perspectives. Each day new victories, losses and life experiences fill those voids and we slowly begin to live as a new people. It is because we are in a constant state of decay and regeneration that we are able to realize that growing and changing are the true miracles of life.

What we lose is never a complete end as remnants remain in our soul. Still, its overall absence pushes us into a new beginning of comprehension.  In order for us to ever live life as it was intended and understand our purpose within creation, we must experience loss. It moves us into new directions of opportunity that enlighten us and affords us a new beginning which proves we are greater than all the losses taken from us combined.


Mindset: Don’t Be The Missing Link

Imagine you were created to achieve one incredible accomplishment. This one achievement is a link in a chain that began long before you were born and will continue long after you are gone. Your link is every bit as important as the ones before it and just as crucial for the next. Our understandings and meanings of life, as well as our ability to grow as one, are in this chain that links past to present, present to future and future to comprehension.

This chain is unique in the sense that it does not need to be connected by each link to be functional. So each time there is a missing or broken link, a new section begins leaving a void between the two sections. Because of this, as the chain stretches out across time, there are gaps between the missing and broken links. And once they are broken or missing, they cannot be replaced. Time does not reverse and allow us to repair the chain. What should be there is not and only a dead space is left in its place.

Each time we fail in our hopes, give up, take an innocent life, corrupt what is good or pure and fail to achieve our purpose in life, we are not achieving our one task that is to be our accomplishment, but instead destroying a link and leaving that dead space between links. As a result, what we were supposed to contribute to life never materializes and future links to connect with are absent.

Each link is knowledge, wisdom and an accomplishment that the next generation uses to further the chain. Each of us is responsible to add a link to the chain while also helping others to do the same. Missing links leave us lost and disconnected from the past and each other. So when we ask ourselves why our lives seem to have no reason to them, perhaps it is because we are the start of a new section of chain that was broken because of someone else’s failure to provide the link we needed to connect with. If we can all just remember how important our contribution to the chain is, then undoubtedly we can create one that is never broken.


Mindset: Treasure Is Buried Deep Within

Each of us seeks treasure. We work for it, sacrifice for it, even take risks for it. But have we ever actually defined what is treasure? What we desire is not necessarily treasure although it feels as though it should be or that it will be once we have obtained the desire. But what if the hunt for treasure is actually just a phantom we chase? Although treasure is real, it is not hidden in some distance destination or achieved dream. It is found in our perceptions and understandings.

We actually stumble over treasure in our attempts to find it. We occasionally experience treasure but rarely enjoy it for the riches it brings because we are stepping over what is valuable in order to dig in the dry sand. The truth is that each of us is born with treasure inside us. The search for what is valuable has never been about what we can find on the outside, but what we should discover on the inside.

Everything natural and man-made crumbles or rusts away in time but our essence, our energy, lives on indefinitely and with it is the treasure given to us by our Creator. We are tasked with finding those riches and sharing them with others before our existence here is returned to dust. Every experience in our lives are markings on an ancient map to the whereabouts of the treasure within us. We will never find that most valued of treasure in the earth beneath our feet because it only exists beneath the meaning of our very creation.

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Mindset: Escaping The Crushing Rubble

We should never hold someone else to a higher standard than we hold ourselves. We should not expect more from them than we ourselves are willing to be, give or do. Sometimes that standard can come in the form of an example and often times in a word. Those simple gestures or words form building blocks which allow negativity to move forward and build foundations upon us.

It is imperative that we acknowledge our mistakes. Not just so we can learn from them but so we can forgive ourselves and be forgiving when others make their mistakes. There is no greater equality than that which is in forgiveness. It reminds us that we have all been, without exception, guilty of transgression and victims of its consequences.

Through forgiveness, we find that we do not have to endure a life of crushing rubble which keeps us down preventing us from rising above negativity. Instead, we can move forward and raise humanity’s standards by simply standing on the belief that our imperfect nature makes us perfectly equal.

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