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A sculptor looks at a piece of granite or stone with either a belief that there is a work of art within that stone that…
C.L. Harmon There have always been patterns in life that most never give a second thought. For those who do, they only see enough to…
C.L. Harmon Happiness is not a choice but a journey. We tend to believe that choices dictate the outcomes of our lives. This is only…
It is such a simple question. What is our purpose here? The age-old inquiry as to why we are here. Why were we created? We…
The concept of free will is simple in its definition, but baffling to many of us since the choices we make do not always lead…
It’s often said that we are responsible for our own happiness and that we simply choose our internal strength and will of mind to help…
So many actions we do, words we utter and situations in which we are part of are seemingly of no significance at the time which…
The heart does not lie, judge or justify action. It only asks for that which it desires and then leads us to those yearnings without…
My mother once told me a story about a successful man from whom God took the use of his legs. I don’t remember all of…
Distance is of varied sources and it is what separates one from another. However, it is usually words, not miles that brings about the greatest…
It is to be locked inside a cellar. There are noises on the other side of the door; voices and sounds of which most have…
I have written a lot about life. Some have been positive as in reflected in most of the Mindset columns I have published over the…
Mindset When we think of our lives, our place in humanity and our world, we tend to think of it on a broad scale that…
By C.L. Harmon The concept of free will is simple in its definition, but baffling to many of us since the choices we make do…
For me, writing has always been a two-fold objective. The first has been to help people. The second has been to make a good living…
By C.L. Harmon We live in a world that contains many other worlds within it. Understanding that we all live in these different worlds is…
This week I had a revelation…and no I am not going to tell you what it is. What that revelation is, is not really important.…
I have referred several times within this blog series about this entirety of the blog is a journey. The interesting thing about a journey is…
One main factor I considered when contemplating as to write this blog series or not was, will it help other writers. I wanted my trials…
By C.L. Harmon Is it not reasonable to assume that each and every aspect of our lives is different and unique from another’s? Consider the…
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