Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

C.L. Harmon The world has become a place where many think as though they can say anything they like whenever they feel the desire. Like most things in life, too much of anything is not good. Words, when chosen wisely and in an opportune moment, can carry great power and weight. Not every thought though deserves to be vocalized nor every utterance heeded. Silence truly is golden and can be equally powerful to well chosen words. We live in an age of communication where no one listens to anyone anymore. When others speak, we hear rhetoric and not insight. We…
“To sacrifice virtue for success is to trade something for nothing.” ~C.L. Harmon
The truest example of faith is to create something you love and then have the humility to offer that same creation the choice to reciprocate that love. ~C.L. Harmon
If you do not think for yourselves, others will think for you. If they do so, they will always limit your possibilities to further their own. If you, however, think for yourselves, then no one can ever limit what you can accomplish.~C.L. Harmon
The moment you give up is the moment all is lost. The moment you realize all is lost is the moment you realize you shouldn’t have given up. ~C.L. Harmon
If one idea can create the concept of a universe, this suggests that our ideas are the building blocks for the concept of any world we choose to create for ourselves. Active ideas are simply creation in motion.~C.L. Harmon
There is no life plan only a plan of life hoped by God. Life is a course with pitfalls and dreams scattered about and our choices to evade one and chase the other. ~C.L. Harmon
When the many finally realize they have been duped by the few, they will learn why history repeats itself. ~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon This is a column from 2009. Please leave your thoughts about in the comments section and share if you like it. I thought I would share it again. During the Holocaust, a brave group of people who had lost everything except their own lives, took a stand to risk their only tie left to this world—their very existence. On October 7, 1944, several hundred Jewish prisoners at the death camp Auschwitz (at Birkenau,) were being forced to carry corpses from the gas chambers to the furnace to dispose of the bodies. In those horrible moments, they chose to…
When we understand that everything in the universe was created perfectly and that we have the power to throw it into chaos, then we truly realize just how much responsibility is entrusted to us. ~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon Confidence is often dependent on surroundings and comfort and may convey the illusion of morality and integrity. But a true moral code needs nothing more than intent to stand alone. Honor needs no illusion to convey confidence.
When you allow the devil to take your belief that you can change something, then you have lost your ability to change anything.-C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon When we fail ourselves, we lose only what we would have gained. But when we fail others, they lose more than we can ever know. We will undoubtedly fail in this life.  Our imperfect nature guarantees us this fact. But that imperfection does not apply when it comes to failing others. We instinctively know what others are capable of even when they themselves are unsure. This is because we see in others what we lack, we recognize it due to its absence in ourselves. This is not by accident in our intricate creation. We are designed to recognize…
A man has two thoughts on a precipice: fear and hope. One of which can make him turn back, the other move forward. Solid ground is our facade. The edge, however, is where we discover our inner identity and true self.~C.L. Harmon
By C.L. Harmon 1. Always take the steps, because the people who have to take the ramp, wish they didn’t have to. 2. Commas never killed anyone. When in doubt, use one. 3. Never be cruel to an animal. There just might be an angel in there reporting back to God. 4. No matter how bad someone may be, if that person is willing to pick up a broom and sweep without being told to, then redemption is a possibility for them. 5. Legality is a concept of man, morality is one of God. They are not always the same,…
C.L. Harmon Learn About Another Culture It sounds like something most would care nothing about. The truth is however, learning about another culture and people is one of the greatest teachers in life. Even if we had the means, most of us will never get to travel the world. But many of us do get the opportunity to vacation and learn a little outside of our daily bubble. For most everyone else, there is the internet and its vast knowledge at our disposal. Without a doubt, we carry something away from each experience that brings us in touch with those…
Life is an experience in value where the income is often less than the outcome but the value always out weighs the cost. ~C.L. Harmon
C.L. Harmon Engulf Yourself In A Thunderstorm There is immense and awesome power in a thunderstorm with lightning that cracks the sky and the thunder roaring in ferocity. It is an opportunity to bow before nature and be humbled by its force. Knowing that it can become a force of destruction instantaneously awakes our senses and reminds us of the voloatility all around us. But more than this, is the experience of watching a storm brew, build, execute its will and then fade into nothingness. In each of these phases we feel something different. Feeling the wind pick up and…
It takes nothing more than willful ignorance to be led as sheep to slaughter. C.L. Harmon
So this idea occurred to me the other day about writing on experiences I believe express what give us a clear understanding of what life can give and teach us when we accept them for what they should be. Over the course of the next few months, I will will post these and hopefully help you see that even the simplest of experiences can give us so much. Once I have completed publishing 100 of these experiences, I will make these available in an ebook. Please feel free to post on these. C.L. Harmon 1. Ride In Something At Over…
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