Tag Archives: inspiration

Follow The Wind: Mindset

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I don’t believe that one can understand the purpose of life in one lifetime. It makes sense that such a colossal definition can only come in multiple lifetimes. Perhaps one for each corner of the soul with each representing a significant meaning that is necessary for us to become whole with creation. Consider that the winds which move everything on earth come from four directions. Our entire navigational understanding is based on four directions.

This is not to say we live a life multiple times but rather live multiple facets in one life. If we are to understand pain for example, then we must experience both pain and comfort. One without the knowledge of the other is not understanding but sensation. To grasp a true sense of purpose, we must learn what direction from which we are coming to know which direction in which to move forward. We must always keep moving into new directions where different experiences await us. With each corner of life we inhabit, we learn about ourselves and thus about our purpose.

We find our way because we are lost in search of purpose not because it finds us and gives us direction. Perhaps a large part of our purpose is to simply seek out that purpose. We should trust that every direction we take will not always be a positive one that rewards us for what we desire, but will instead be steeped in the riches of understanding our personal purpose. Just as the origins of the winds are a mystery with their own purpose, as are we. Life’s purpose and our part in it are a secret hidden with bits and pieces strewn about in the corners of creation. And we must venture into those corners even when they are dark and foreboding to complete our creation and discover our destiny. We become enlightened because we seek; we become purpose because we find.


Seeking The Darkness Within The Light: Mindset

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For most, life is about the pulling the light from the darkness, but for others it’s about seeking the darkness within the light. We associate what is bleak or twisted within the wreckage of tragedy and chaos as the destructive forces which pull us away from the shining rays of comfort and safety. We few, however, know this and still make choices to gravitate toward it. In some respects we never escape the darkness regardless of how much light is present. What is the darkness? Who is the darkness? Why are we drawn to it?

Is the definition of such a concept as simple as black and white? Does it not provide cover from enemies in conflict? Does it not bring relief from a blistering sun? Does it not have a mystique and beauty to be appreciated? As with any creation, it has an allure that beckons to certain individuals who can feel its prowess and energy.  For those few, there is a desire to pull reasoning and purpose from what is hidden, what is lost.  It is as a seed planted in the soul which desires the dark to the light, drought to the rain, chill to the warmth in order to grow.

Seeking direction in the darkness is not insanity, but faith. To know such knowledge is the doorway between complexity and simplicity. It is to turn pain into creation, devastation into new ideas. As charm and elegance is found within the light, depth and mystery is within the dark.  Those who are drawn to it are the ones with the courage to discover that life is never lost within itself or within the wreckage which litters our existence. They are the ones who discover that inspiration resides in the corridors of life that most fear to tread.


Mindset: The Purposeful Road

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There seems to be little understanding as to the meaning of life and creation. And what is believed to be understood by some is never agreed upon by all. Yet we all seek knowledge, wisdom, and insight as to why we are here and to our purpose in life. We make choices and then worry about the outcome of those choices, believing them to be drawing us closer to our purpose and not further away.

But perhaps we put too much emphasis on what we believe to be our purpose instead of the faith needed to make choices which lead us to a purposeful life. Purpose does not belong to us, but to our Creator who has already made the choices necessary for us to fulfill the purpose He has given us.

However, it’s not His purpose which gives our lives meaning; for that, we ourselves must choose to live a life of purpose and consequence. Perhaps choosing to have faith and believe our purpose is a pre-existing road already built, will lead us to the insight to make choices which provide a life that is never meaningless and always purposeful.



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 We suffer, we bleed, we follow, we lead, and through it all, we learn. We kill dreams and prolong pain to be swallowed up in darkness and yet still seek light when there is none. And through it all, we learn. We build what nature destroys while we destroy what nature creates in order to build and we hope to learn. We seek treasures in hopes of gaining value before we know how to define value and through it all, we hope to learn.

We borrow fear and then find courage. We stumble in darkness, proclaim blindness all the while refuse to see the light. And with hope maybe we can learn. We sacrifice nothing and expect something, sometimes everything and with hope maybe, just maybe we can still learn. We blame anyone so we do not have accept that we are the broken one. When will we learn? We break those around us as though their cracks somehow repair us. Do we ever learn? We study the past with presumptions that we already know. Yet we sin the same as those before us.  And still it seems we can only hope to learn.

We surrender to difficulties instead of overcoming challenges. We kill what is pure so that we recognize evil and then look away at what is the burning angst inside. We call lost home because it allows us to be selfish when home expects us to be giving. And yet with all that is known, we just never learn.


Mindset: Blessings In Wolves’ Clothing

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The truth is that there have been moments in my life when I have loved being depressed. I loved it with a passion that I will never be able to explain to anyone who has never known madness. It’s power, freedom clarity and safety beyond understanding. It is a blessing lost within a curse that dies in a hot breath and is reborn in a simple sigh. It’s life through a pouring rain of hot bullets and gentle cool drops.

Found means nothing without the experience of being lost. We only find what we all truly seek in the chaos that leads us through darkness. Reason emerges because of that chaos which we need to find for explanation and purpose. Once found, it can be accepted, understood and used. Misery and joy are both guides in this life. Each takes us to destinations which give us both power and vulnerability. They are not good or evil, but life tools.

Your chaos will come. It always comes. But when it does, realize it as the blessing within the curse that it is. Suffer from it what you can to extract the enlightenment which is at its core. It is your purposeful journey to reason; your cost for recognizing happiness. Allow it to strengthen, teach and become a part of you which you can then control. True happiness is forged in the dark. Without it, joy is simply a myth we chase never seeing that it is not that it doesn’t exist, but that we simply don’t know it when it comes to light.


Mindset Origin: Darkness is Where You Can See

The first part of understanding is acceptance. There can be no enlightenment through denial. What we allow ourselves to feel and experience are the seeds that become the trees of knowledge and wisdom.

There is growth in the darkness of despair just as there is in the light of prosperity. We shield ourselves from fears and tragedies in hopes of escaping the sorrows that befall humanity. We close our eyes and withdraw from others to find sanctuary within ourselves, trying to avoid the bleak times upon us.

This causes us to lose sight of our potential to expand our understanding of life. What we refuse to see and acknowledge becomes our fears and our boundaries. When we choose not to know it, we take away our choice and opportunity to rise up above it and become illuminated in every darkness that follows.