Quote of the Day

The spark inside you is controlled by you. It can remain a tiny spark in the darkness, become and remain a small flame of warmth or grow into a large passionate blaze. It will spread into all aspects of your life if you add fuel or remain inside and insignificant if...

Quote of the Day

It is not just the end of a journey that should be celebrated but also the beginning. When we begin a quest, we are taking a risk, opening ourselves up to discovery and leaving behind the fear that keeps our lives stagnant and our hearts still. C.L....

Quote of the Day

There will be those who question your intelligence. And those who second guess your choices. And even those who believe they are above you. But what they think goes no further than their own mind. Their thoughts hold no more power than yours. And if your thoughts are...

Quote of the Day

To define something is to give it parameters. Definition seems as though it gives purpose we can understand. But defining something also limits it and hides what is still unknown from us. And without that mystery, we have defined our world and and thus limit...

Quote of the Day

Civilization isn’t technology and advancements in the quality of life. It is the simple act of being civil to each other. It is the principles of human nature being respected without intimidation and goodness triumphing over evil. Civilization is multiple acts of love...