
Simple, humble, satisfied, these are words that are not just a sequence of letters in which we give a meaning. They are choices which describe a way of life, our life. They are descriptions of an identity. And this identity is what we own when we choose complication,...

To Bury or to Plant

Quote of the Day Planting that which we wish to grow is the same dirt we bury that which will decay. The ground cares not what it receives but only that it takes what it is given to fulfill a purpose. When humanity grasps that all of what it is given is purpose, we...

Let the Heart Lead

Quote of the DayPeople ask you to follow them because they fear where you will go without them. If you follow, they control you and will only take you where they wish to go. Every heart has its own path created within. If you are following someone else’s path, what...


We remember because we are not supposed to forget. We love so we don’t become hate. We die so we understand life has a cost. We age because youth holds little wisdom. We fall to find the humility which is out of reach of the standing tall. We are, in essence, nothing...