The Helper

I have been really good at only two things in my life, writing and being a helper. The first came natural to me. The second, well I am not exactly sure how I became so good at. Perhaps it came naturally too. Or maybe it was something else. Possibly practice? ...


Finding our way seems to imply we may be lost. When, in fact, it usually means just finding other ways. If we are not seeking new paths, then we truly will become lost. We are always on some path, but new ones exist because they are meant to take us to new...


The practice of unfairness is a tool of the depraved and feeble minded. Those with integrity think outside the accepted constructs to expand the boundaries of moral thought and help empower all, while the weak in morality attack the righteous from the confines of...


There will be days in our lives when we are blind because where we are going must be led by someone else. There will be hours we are deaf because what is being spoken is detrimental to our purpose. There will be moments we are without a voice because our words destroy...


When you seek power, take note of the company in which you keep. The first being the devil who chose it over grace. Desired power, once achieved, will either own you through ego or pass through you with humility and wisdom. Choose wisely the importance you give the...