Fall To Grace

Where we fall may be more important than why we fall. Perhaps it’s more about the landing than why we tripped in the first place. If it’s in a hole in which we land, maybe we are supposed to be looking up. If it’s a thorny patch, then perhaps we should be careful and...

The Ending

Quote of the Day The greatest part of a battle is not the victory or the loss, but that it ends. If you find comfort in nothing else which plagues you, find it in the knowledge that an ending was gracefully created and given to you long before the beginning found its...

The Road To Right

Sometimes, maybe most times, it’s a long and winding road to what is right and just. But the journey to it never stops and the road to it extends for as long as it needs until what is right is reached. Stopping the search because it seems what is right is unreachable,...

In The Dark

Sometimes there is just no escape. The darkness that we are in is more valuable at the moment than what is in the light into which we wish to escape. As such, we are kept there because there is something in the current light which we are not yet equipped to accept. We...

The Meaning Is Simple

The meaning of life is in the simple. It hides in plain site amid the confusion and chaos of existence. It’s as though it is disguised in the mundane. It is so because it is of the most value. The meaning is not kept from us, but placed among the people and activities...