The Meaning Is Simple

The meaning of life is in the simple. It hides in plain site amid the confusion and chaos of existence. It’s as though it is disguised in the mundane. It is so because it is of the most value. The meaning is not kept from us, but placed among the people and activities...


Of all that exists in the world, faith must be the ruler to which all else is measured. No witness to human endurance could be more prominent. Nothing is created or built without a belief in it. No soul enters paradise without it. Sacrifices are not made without a...

Follow The Leader

Follow that which calls to you, but follow it with caution. The soul listens to the Divine, the heart to what moves it and the mind towards the tangible needs we desire. And though all are important, if we follow one when the other is needed, then we have chosen to...

Finding the Light

Do not only believe in that which is beyond reach, but reach for that which is beyond belief. The impossible exists because someone questioned if it’s possible. And possibilities are the results of those willing to reach further into the darkness and feel if there is...

A Million Equals One

We are so much more than that which binds us together. The small integral parts that fit as millions of tiny perfectly locking pieces are more than a completed puzzle. They become the essence of everything ever created once they experience the first spark of creation...